MSCA ITN MagnEFi 860060

MSCA ITN MagnEFi 860060

MagnEFi (short for “Magnetism and the effects of Electric Field”) is a network of European experts assembled to provide enhanced training to early stage researchers (ESRs) on the use of integrative concepts in spintronics (spin-electronics) for future GreenIT applications. E-field control of spintronics is one of the most promising paths towards new science and technology, and in particular, energy efficient spintronics devices for computation and communication. In MagnEFi the experts are linked by the ultimate goal of training the next generation workforce in the key field of spintronics while the scientific goal is to move the field into the next level: integration. Innovative E-field control schemes based on Strain (S), Gating (G) and Light (L) will be thoroughly investigated and combined to produce a new class of enhanced multifunctional spintronics devices with S+G, S+L and G+L capabilities.  MagnEFi is an H2020 MSCA funded ITN.