The Moldovan Medical Journal

The Moldovan Medical Journal

The Moldovan Medical Journal is an international scientific double-blind peer reviewed periodical edition, 4 per year, of the Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova designed for specialists in the areas of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, social medicine and public health. From its debut the journal has striven to support the interests of Moldovan medicine concerning the new concepts of its development.

The Editorial Board warmly welcomes both the readers of and the authors for the journal, all those who are enthusiastic in searching new and more effective ways of solving numerous medicine problems. We hope that those who want to make their contribution to the science of medicine will find our journal helpful and encouraging.


The Moldovan Medical Journal supports the Open Access policy. There are no fees to access the published articles. All the content of the journal is available on our web page in PDF immediately upon publication according to the Budapest, Berlin and Bethesda Open Access Initiative’s definition of Open Access. In the Republic of Moldova, the State policy in the field of sciences is based on the Code on Science and Innovation, adopted in 2004, which provides the guaranteed access to scientific information.

The journal has no article processing or submission charges and no author’s emoluments. Publication of the journal is supported by the academic and scientific institutions of the Republic of Moldova: Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Medial Department of Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mother and Child, Institute of Oncology, Institute of Cardiology, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Chiril Draganiuc Institute of Phthisiopneumology, Institute of Urgent Medicine, National Center of Public Health.

Publication of the journal is favored by the Council of Experts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova.

Articles are accepted for consideration regardless of nationality, gender, race, and sexual orientation, ethical, religious and political beliefs of the authors.

Ethics and malpractice guidelines of our journal are based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors made up by the Committee on Publication Ethics (, on the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (, on the principles of the World Association of Medical Editors ( and on the standards of the National Ethics Committee ( of the Republic of Moldova.  The journal tends to become the member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

The journal is indexed in the State Scientific Medical Library of the Russian Federation, in the database VINITI (Vserossiiskiy Institut Nauchnoy i Tekhnicheskoi Informatsii) [All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute] and being listed in Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.