Collection of open access papers, presentations, datasets, and source code for digital applications, produced by the Panacea (Polo agricoltura non Alimentare Colture Energetiche Alternative) Group  belonging to CREA IT (Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing) within European Research Projects

The aim of the Panacea Group is the development of research activities allowing the diffusion of technologies linked to sustainable production of renewable raw materials for bio commodities.  As reported in the Strategy Paper of the Universal Exhibition 2015, it is necessary for the production of food and energy do not conflict but find ways, forms and techniques to integrate both a challenge that requires a strong commitment by governments and institutions.

The Panacea Group is actively involved  within projects funded by the Union European, in research activities in cooperation with Mediterranean African countries (Egypt, Morocco, Algeria), India and China, in order to boost the know-how transfer to the beneficiary countries. The research activities  aim to implement the agro-bio-economy sectors to promote energy security,bio-commodities production, food supply and improved economic conditions. The model of development considered relied on a synergistic and sustainable use of water and energy resources for a coherent agricultural development. The final objective is the achievement of stability, security, and social dignity. In particular, Panacea Group aim to share the knowledge acquired by facilitating the exchange of results and create networks for favoring a common growth.

The proposal and the mission of the Panacea group is therefore to optimize the technological solutions in the bioeconomy sector. The ambition is to trigger a virtuous cascade leading to a integration of industrial and food production for a tangible improvement in the quality of life.

The key points of the Panacea strategy are:

  • Integration of food and non-food products for environmental protection and safeguarding food safety
  • Promotion of sustainable growth through the production of technological innovations in the field of bioenergy
  • Application and dissemination of bio-economy principles