The Living Norway Ecological Data Network is pleased to present the slides from the Living Norway Colloquium 2020 "Towards openness and transparency in applied ecology", held in Trondheim, Norway, October 12.-13. 2020.

The Living Norway Ecological Data Network facilitates Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) management of ecological data to the benefit of society and science. Our annual colloquiums are designed to showcase new developments, tools, protocols, and standards, and build capacity and networks for Open Science and FAIR data management in Norway and beyond. 

The full program and further information on the presenters can be found here. Day 1 included a range of topics related to open science and FAIR data management in applied and basic ecology. Day 2 included two workshops. The workshop on education and training in open science and FAIR data management, was organised in collaboration with bioCEED. The second workshop included structuring of complex ecological (event-sampling) data in Darwin Core (e.g. in GBIF), in collaboration with Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics.

A video recording of Day 1 and Day 2 are available in YouTube. 

Please credit the individual authors appropriately.