This is an ERASMUS+ Programme, PROJECT NUMBER 2021-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000031125.

The current Libraries for Open Citizen Science (LibOCS) project focuses on citizen-enhanced open science and aims to integrate CS findings into the OS cycle. A geographical area, the Baltic region, is receiving special attention due to inequalities in Open and Citizen Science adoption. Academic libraries in Baltic states have been actively involved in OS activities for about a decade now. These libraries offer OS support services in HEIs; however, involvement in CS is still in the development phase. Since public libraries also have more hands-on experience of public engagement, collaborating with them allows the project to reach a broader audience and gain a different viewpoint. On the other hand, public libraries often lack access to research which is the domain of academic libraries. This collaboration has the potential to achieve two goals: increased librarian knowledge sharing and public participation.

The project's primary goal is to raise awareness and mainstream citizen science activities in Baltic countries (EE, LV, LT), which are experts in open science but not in citizen science. In addition to keeping track of CS OS implementation progress and procedures, document and publicly FAIR-share best practices, and engage non-expert public groups in social engagement and collaboration.