The Hellenic Institute of Egyptology is a modern Research and Educational Organization of high standards, functioning as a Civil Non-Profit Organization, supported by a plethora of eminent personalities in the domains of Egyptology, Archaeology, Archaeoastronomy, Science and Letters, with Collaborators and Founding Members from Hellas, Egypt, France, Russia, Portugal, Ukraine, Germany, Israel and the USA. The scope of our Institute, which is based on the Principles of Humanism, is the creation of international synergies between various nationalities’ partners, in order to promote research and education mainly concerned with Egyptology and Archaeoastronomy. Hence, we try to obtain fund–raising in order to:
- Perform Research and Educational Projects in the disciplines of Egyptology, Archaeology, Archaeoastronomy, Archaeoanthropology, as well as the interdisciplinary and comparative study of the ancient important civilizations in the Mediterranean Basin.
- Teaching and dissemination of Egyptology to the general public and to Schools, but mainly to University students and colleagues from Archaeology, through our professional and well-esteemed Egyptological Seminar.