International Journal of Contemporary Economics & Administrative Sciences

International Journal of Contemporary Economics & Administrative Sciences

International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences (IJCEAS) is an online, biannual, peer-reviewed international research journal that addresses both applied and theoretical issues. The scope of the journal encompasses research articles, original research reports, reviews and scientific commentaries in the fields of economics and administrative sciences.

The scope of IJCEAS encompasses theoretical, empirical or policy oriented research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communication and scientific commentaries in the fields of economics and administrative sciences including both controversial and innovative ideas and detailed contributions from other directly related fields such as econometrics, economic development, trade and the environment, and political economy.

About International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences (IJCEAS)

International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences (IJCEAS) is an online, biannual, peer-reviewed international research journal that addresses both applied and theoretical issues. The scope of the journal encompasses research articles, original research reports, reviews and scientific commentaries in the fields of economics and administrative sciences.

The journal will maintain a high scientific standard. After a preliminary assessment by the Editorial Board, all submitted papers will undergo a double blinded refereeing process. The Review aims at providing all authors with a decision within ten weeks since submission.

The IJCEAS is an interdisciplinary journal, centered on Economics and Administrative Sciences. IJCEAS is open access. Readers can have free access to all published content.

Focus and Scope of Journal

The International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences publishes original papers covering a large array of topics in economics and administrative sciences. The IJCEAS will publish articles in English. The Review offers authors the possibility to have their papers accepted in less than three months. IJCEAS is is open access. You can read the full text by registering to journal.

The scope of IJCEAS encompasses theoretical, empirical or policy oriented research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communication and scientific commentaries in the fields of economics and administrative sciences including both controversial and innovative ideas and detailed contributions from other directly related fields such as econometrics, economic development, trade and the environment, and political economy.

Review Policy

Manuscripts are reviewed in a unbiased manner, receiving prompt attention by the editorial office and its referees. After a preliminary assessment of the suitability of the paper by the Editor, any paper will follow a double-blinded peer review process. The goal of the Editorial office is of providing the referees' reports, and the final decision by the Editor, within ten weeks since submission.

The whole process will be handled by the Managing Editor, to whom all inquiries should be addressed.Articles for consideration should be submitted using the online submission form. Submissions through e-mail will not be considered. Submission is electronic only.

The IJCEAS is committed to keeping the content of all submissions confidential until the publication date. Although we make every possible effort to ensure reviewers honour their confidentiality commitments, we cannot be held responsible for the conduct of reviewers.Reviewers should be aware that it is our policy to keep their names confidential, and that we do our utmost to ensure this confidentiality.

Copyright Notice

The Author(s) must make formal transfer of copyright for each article prior to publication in the International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences. Such transfer enables the Journal to defend itself against plagiarism and other forms of copyright infringement. Your cooperation is appreciated. You agree that copyright of your article to be published in the International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences is hereby transferred, throughout the World and for the full term and all extensions and renewals thereof, to International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences.

The Author(s) reserve(s): (a) the trademark rights and patent rights, if any, and (b) the right to use all or part of the information contained in this article in future, non-commercial works of the Author's own, or, if the article is a "work-for-hire" and made within the scope of the Author's employment, the employer may use all or part of the information contained in this article for intra-company use, provided the usual acknowledgements are given regarding copyright notice and reference to the original publication.

The Author(s) warrant(s) that the article is Author's original work, and has not been published before. If excerpts from copyrighted works are included, the Author will obtain written permission from the copyright owners and shall credit the sources in the article. The author also warrants that the article contains no libelous or unlawful statements, and does not infringe on the rights of others. If the article was prepared jointly with other Author(s), the Author agrees to inform the co-Author(s) of the terms of the copyright transfer and to sign on their behalf; or in the case of a "work-for-hire" the employer or an authorized representative of the employer.

The journal is registered with the ISSN : 1925-4423.

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