This is the Zenodo repository for IGC (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência). IGC is committed to the Open Science principles and to disseminating its research outputs as widely as possible. IGC’s Zenodo Community aims to facilitate the dissemination of the data generated at IGC and is part of its support to researchers in fostering an open and transparent scientific culture.

This is the Zenodo repository for IGC (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência). IGC is committed to the Open Science principles and to disseminating its research outputs as widely as possible. IGC’s Zenodo Community aims to facilitate the dissemination of the data generated at IGC and is part of its support to researchers in fostering an open and transparent scientific culture.

Curation Policy:

  1. Only current or former researchers can submit their data for deposition into the Zenodo Community.
  2. Only work/research created at can be deposited to the Zenodo Community.
  3. Prior to deposition, all files submitted to the IGC Zenodo Community will be curated by the Community Manager. The Community Manager will validate the following:
    • Is the data submitted by a current/former IGC researcher?
    • Has this work/research been generated at IGC?
    • Is the data accompanied by appropriate metadata description?
    • Is the funder properly acknowledged?
  4. Research articles cannot be submitted to the IGC Zenodo Community. All research articles published by IGC researchers are deposited at ARCA .


Responsibilities of the researchers submitting their data to the IGC Zenodo Community:

  1. Researchers are responsible for managing and curating data in accordance with the IGC’s Policies, IGC’s Code of Conduct guidelines and in accordance with policies of their research funders.
  2. Researchers submitting their data to the IGC  Zenodo Community are solely responsible for the content and the quality of files submitted to the Community.
  3. Researchers are responsible for ensuring that research data has appropriate metadata description .
  4. Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their data can be deposited to Zenodo, before submitting their data. Some funders might require research data to be submitted only to specified repositories.
  5. Research data records in Zenodo can be open, embargoed, restricted or closed. It is the responsibility of researchers submitting data to decide on the proper level of access, taking into account any ethical, intellectual property protection, security, and any other constraints. If access to data needs to be restricted, reasons for restriction should be stated in the metadata description.
  6. By submitting their data to the IGC  Zenodo Community, the data submitters acknowledge that they have read and understood this policy. Additionally, data submitters affirm that:
    • They have sufficient authority or permission to submit the data
    • the data represents original work and does not infringe the intellectual property rights, including copyright, of any third party
    • third party material included in the data is clearly identified and acknowledged and sufficient and appropriate permissions have been secured for the third party copyright material to be used
    • the data submission to the IGC  Zenodo Community does not constitute a breach of any other agreement, including any confidentiality or publication restriction provisions in sponsorship or collaboration agreements.