Health CASCADE is a Marie SkÅ‚odowska Curie  Innovative Training Networks project funded by the European Union (H2020 MSCA ITN) (Project number 956501). The aim of Health CASCADE is to foster the next generation of highly-trained research leaders to develop evidence based guiding principles, novel tools and new technologies to make co-creation an effective tool to fight complex public health problems through a European Joint Doctoral Programme.

Health CASCADE is a Marie SkÅ‚odowska Curie  Innovative Training Networks project funded by the European Union (H2020 MSCA ITN) (Project number 956501). 

The aim of Health CASCADE is to foster the next generation of highly-trained research leaders to develop evidence based guiding principles, novel tools and new technologies to make co-creation an effective tool to fight complex public health problems through a European Joint Doctoral Programme. 

Global health challenges confront us all as individuals and communities – from obesity to pandemics, cancer to dementia – magnified by climate change and increasing inequality. These challenges are complex problems arising from multiple interconnected factors and feedback loops, resistant to existing public health programmes. We need new ideas and new approaches such as co-creation. By bringing together citizens, academics, businesses, and civil organisations, the project aims to co-create effective solutions to these complex problems.


Evidence-based co-creation methodology for bridging the implementation gap between knowledge and action in health promotion.
European Commission