Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances

Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances

Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances (GJETA) is an international interdisciplinary journal, committed to provide the authors a timely and peer reviewed process for evaluation of their manuscripts. GJETA publishes manuscripts, original research and review articles, mini-reviews and short communication in almost all fileds of Engineering and Technology

Aim and Scope

The Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances (GJETA) aims to establish itself as a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends in Applied Engineering Sciences as well as Technology Advances that needs more focus and exposure and is always committed to publish articles that will strengthen the knowledge of upcoming Engineers, Academician, Researchers, Technocrats and Scientists.

Why Publish with GJETA

  • International and Peer-Reviewed Journal with eISSN 2582-5003
  • Rapid, easy and high quality Publication
  • Every article will be provided with  unique DOI from Cross-ref and  Cross ref-mark  without any extra charges
  • Certificate of publication  will be provided to each authors

  • Simple mode  of submission via e-mail /online 
  • Intended to be Abstracted/indexed  by all the major National and International indexing services
  • Online tracking  of articles submitted
  • Open Access  to all Articles: Anytime & Anywhere in the world
  • Improved visibility of articles to  get more citations