Fotros Journal of Islamic Studies and Classical Literature

Fotros Journal of Islamic Studies and Classical Literature

Fotros Journal

Curation Policy for the Fotros Journal Community on Zenodo

The Fotros Journal Community on Zenodo aims to provide a curated repository for research outputs related to the journal's scope and mission. This policy outlines the criteria for submissions, curation processes, and expectations for community members.

1. Scope and Eligibility:

  • Research Outputs: The community accepts a variety of research outputs, including articles, preprints, datasets, software, presentations, and other relevant materials that align with the journal's focus.
  • Authorship: Submissions should be authored or co-authored by individuals affiliated with Fotros Journal (e.g., authors, editors, reviewers).
  • Quality: All submissions should meet high standards of scholarly rigor, originality, and relevance to the field.

2. Submission Process:

  • Zenodo Account: Contributors must create a Zenodo account and follow the platform's submission guidelines.
  • Community Selection: During submission, authors should select the "Fotros Journal" community.
  • Metadata: Accurate and complete metadata (title, authors, abstract, keywords, etc.) is required for all submissions.
  • Licensing: Authors should select an appropriate open-access license for their work (e.g., CC BY).

3. Curation Process:

  • Initial Review: All submissions undergo an initial review by designated community curators (Fotros Journal editors or editorial board members) to ensure they meet the community's scope and quality standards.
  • Feedback: Curators may provide feedback or request revisions to improve the quality of submissions.
  • Acceptance and Publication: Accepted submissions will be published within the Fotros Journal Community on Zenodo.
  • Ongoing Curation: Curators will monitor the community to ensure the quality and relevance of its contents.

4. Community Member Expectations:

  • Respectful Communication: Community members should engage in respectful and constructive communication with each other and the curators.
  • Feedback and Engagement: Members are encouraged to provide feedback on submissions and engage in discussions within the community.
  • Updates and Corrections: Authors should promptly update their submissions to reflect any corrections or changes to their work.

5. Additional Considerations:

  • Confidentiality: Confidential or sensitive information should not be included in submissions.
  • Ethical Guidelines: Submissions should adhere to ethical guidelines for research and publication.
  • Copyright: Authors retain copyright of their work but grant Zenodo and the community a non-exclusive license to distribute and display it.

6. Contact:

Please get in touch with the Fotros Journal editorial team at Contact for any questions or concerns.