What is EUTOPIA?

EUTOPIA (https://eutopia-university.eu/) is an ambitious alliance of 10 like-minded universities ready to reinvent themselves: the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium), the Ca'Foscari University of Venice (Italy), CY Cergy Paris Université (France), the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain) and the University of Warwick (United Kingdom). Together, these 10 pioneers join forces to build the university of the future.


What is the mission of EUTOPIA?

  • To prepare students, staff and learners to be empowered European citizens in today’s disruptive world 

  • To adjust the university organisation and practices to lead the challenges of the 21st Century 

  • To increase and intensify the Europeanisation of programmes on offer 

  • To catalyse place-making by the universities in partnership with their regions, engaging with all agencies to embed and empower the transformative effect of universities 

  • To serve as an example for other universities, across Europe and in the international arena, to share and develop the focus on building transformative, challenge-driven and contemporary universities. 


What does EUTOPIA do?

  • Stimulate the European Open Science agenda, relating it to teaching, research and social missions, and radiating to become leaders and advocates in this agenda’s continuation. 

  • Develops the Open Educational Resources and Knowledge agenda, wherein students co-create courses and construct collaboratively distinctive curricula. 

  • Fosters mobility as a mainstream learning experience, challenging the limiting practices of traditional approaches. 

  • Builds an Open Campus agenda to strengthen links between and across universities and regions. Promote an overall cosmopolitan ethos, and champion and empower students as agents of the open campus. 

  • Enables inter-institutional learning to create by 2025 realising conditions for the vision of EUTOPIA. It will include the creation of a EUTOPIA learning community, a EUTOPIA knowledge community with actions geared to towards diverse and inclusive participation, and a EUTOPIA outreach and support community connecting with European universities and the world. 


What different projects fall under EUTOPIA?

·       EUTOPIA-TRAIN: EUTOPIA-TRAIN was a project generated within EUTOPIA that has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 programme under Grant Agreement number 831558. It ran from 2020-2024. The EUTOPIA Zenodo page was originally established under this project!
Goal: To integrate pan-EUTOPIA research and innovation communities and structures and open them to society, businesses, students, and policymakers. It seeks to extend EUTOPIA's challenge-led model to the development of its Research and Innovation (R&I) activities.

·       EUTOPIA-MORE: EUTOPIA-MORE has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement number 10189699. It runs from 2022-2026.
Goal: To create the conditions for communities to connect across our campuses around projects tackling education, research or outreach challenges of global relevance. It aims to showcase our enriched curriculum at the Bachelor, Master and PhD programs, together with the innovations coming out of life-long learning initiatives within a joint EUTOPIA College. It also aims to connect our initiatives in research, innovation, and outreach geared towards tackling the big societal challenges of today and integrating our academic communities within the EUTOPIA Global Institute of Knowledge Communities, involving local and global partners

·       EUTOPIA-HEALTH: EUTOPIA_HEALTH has received funded from the European Commission under Horizon Europe under Grant Agreement number 101136914. It runs from 2024-2028.
Goal: To enhance synergies in health-related fields, focusing on capacity building. It seeks to reshape academic institutions by improving their management of health research and innovation, creating an integrative framework for scientific areas. The project will establish a health-focused R&I network, providing interdisciplinary training, research opportunities, and funding support. By fostering collaboration and innovative practices, it aims to bridge research with society, businesses, and policymakers, promoting inclusive and impactful science.


EUTOPIA produces challenge-driven research and teaching, prepare empowered European graduates, champion regional and international involvement, and support diversity, inclusivity and widening citizenship. 

A principal vector of the alliance is the binding principle of openness. EUTOPIA embraces the Open Science agenda, create distinctive and relevant European learning through open knowledge co-creation, build public resource platforms that enable collaboration, and support inclusivity mechanisms that increase local intellectual and social strengths.