The Elmer/Ice source code is already publicly available.  Here we provide additional data and scripts relating to whole Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) simulations run by University of Lapland, CSC, University of Tasmania.

This includes details of AIS ISMIP6 contributions.


This Zenodo community aims to provide sufficient information to make our Elmer/Ice Antarctic simulations reproducible.


The main Elmer/Ice code repository is here:

The precise version of Elmer/Ice used for the ISMIP6 simulations is given by this commit:



The ISMIP6 experiment design is described here:


Additional code and post processing scripts are in this (currently private, please ask for access) gitlab repository:

This includes the solver input files used in our simulations. 


The main ISMIP6 forcing files can be obtained through the ISMIP6 project and are not reproduced here.