In this community, we will accept research data, materials, presentations, publications and so forth which are related to Erkki Kurenniemi's musical instruments and music made with these instruments. Emphasis of the uploaded content should be on the research related projects; popularized texts or material will not be accepted. However, lighter texts and content can be included here upon request.
The author or submitter should have permissions to parallel publish or self-archive publications, presentations, research data and materials offered to the community. The curator of the community cannot be held responsible for any license or publication agreements, copyright or IPR issues concerning any specific uploaded file; neither curator will help to solve or manage any above mentioned (or other) issues.
If you are going to (re-)use, cite, post in social media or elsewhere any publications, presentations, material, data or other objects in this community, please, refer to the objects with the dois provided in their metadata. Most of the material is licensed with CC-BY. Even though totally optional, we would be very pleased to hear if this material is used somewhere and may even start to list all the projects and publications re-using material from this collection to promote your work in return. That is, if we hear from you! So, let us know if your are interested in our collection!