The mission of EERA JP Wind is to provide strategic leadership for medium to long-term research and to support the European wind energy industry and societal stakeholders.

The European Energy Research Alliance is the largest energy research community in Europe. It is a membership-based, non-profit association and brings together 250 universities and public research centres in 30 countries. To organise work within the association and realise its strategy, EERA operates 17 joint research programmes. They cover the whole range of low-carbon technologies as well as systemic and cross-cutting topics.

The Joint Programme on Wind Energy (JP Wind) is part of the EERA. EERA JP Wind is a collaboration among the 53 major public research organisations in 16 European countries, with substantial research and innovation efforts in wind energy.


The mission for EERA JP WIND is to provide strategic leadership for medium to long-term research and to support the European wind energy industry and societal stakeholders. The joint programme brings together all public research organisations in Europe with substantial research and innovation efforts in wind energy.

EERA JP WIND aims to provide the following benefit to its members:

  • Support R&D managers in institutions with significant wind energy R&D in shaping their research strategies according to European and national priorities and build the network to execute it.
    In EERA JP WIND we work together, to develop and understand the key research priorities for the European wind energy sector and implement it through joint projects or in national research programmes.
  • Influence EU strategic research priorities
    EERA JP WIND aims to be the most important platform to engage in EU Strategic research priority setting. This will happen directly via EERA JP WIND as well as in collaboration with national partners and the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Wind Energy (ETIPWIND).
  • Access a unique pool of knowledge, data and research facilities
    The members of EERA JP WIND are the main organisations for public wind energy R&D in Europe. That creates a unique knowledge pool and a platform for sharing and accessing data and research facilities.
  • Being part of globally leading network of wind energy researchers
    EERA JP WIND should provide its members with a potential global outreach to collaborative partners around the world.

For Europe, EERA JP WIND is:

  • a one-stop shop for public wind energy R&D
  • a platform for coordination of research facilities, data and human resources
  • a driving force in maintaining Europe’s role as home to the world’s largest and most advanced wind turbine manufacturers and sub-suppliers.


EERA JP WIND is organised in eight sub-programme:

  • SP1: Programme planning and outreach – Coordinated by Peter Eecen, ECN part of TNO
  • SP2: Research Infrastructure, testing and standards – Coordinated by Paul McKeever, ORE Catapult
  • SP3: Wind conditions and climatic effects – Coordinated by Jake Badger, DTU
  • SP4: Aerodynamics, loads and control – Coordinated by Antonio Ugarte, CENER
  • SP5: System integration – Coordinated by Nicolaos Cutululis, DTU
  • SP6: Offshore Balance of Plant – Coordinated by John Olav Tande, SINTEF
  • SP7: Structures, materials and components – Coordinated by Arno van Wingerde, Fraunhofer IWES
  • SP8: Planning & Deployment, social, environmental and economic issues – Coordinated by Lena Kitzing, DTU