Digivet is a research project aiming to identify and collate current policies and practices relevant to livestock health, antimicrobial usage and food safety data, and identify interventions and innovations that are required to optimize data analytical methods, processes and architecture in order to enhance food safety and resilience to livestock disease within our increasingly international society.
Data sources and tools gathered and/or created during the project will be made available through this community. Stakeholders outside the project, but sharing our goals are welcome to join the community.
The Digivet project is a partnership of the following countries: UK, DK, SV, NO, EE. The work packages (WP) within the project focus on collating and comparing data availability, formats and quality between nations with the help of industry and governmental stakeholders (WP1), creating new open-source software tools and workflows to make smarter use of data (WP2), and leveraging workshops and other activities to discuss and review our work in the context of international cooperation and joint societal benefit (WP3). Central to these activities are three case studies (CS) running across WP and illustrating the challenges and opportunities associated with using livestock-related data in the context of the following challenges: food safety (CS1), antimicrobial usage in livestock (CS2), and contagious exotic diseases of livestock (CS3).