DigiNEB fosters digital solutions that boosts the growing New European Bauhaus (NEB) movement. It bridges the digital and NEB communities and raises awareness around digital solutions for all NEB stakeholders. With its lean action plan, DigiNEB enables Europe’s Green Deal ambition in designing & building greener and more inclusive living spaces for a better quality of life.

The digiNEB project has received funding from the European Commission DG CNCT under grant agreement no. 101083743 from 2023-2024. The consortium includes: Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, coordinator), Industry Commons Foundation (ICF), European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE); InnovaWood network.

Websites: digineb.eu | tudelft.nl | industrycommons.net | eaae.be | innovawood.eu


digiNEB - Digital Ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus
European Commission
