DEEPICE project aims at training a new generation of European researchers (15 Early Stage Researchers) working on scientific issues related to climate change in Antarctica by taking advantage of the unique scientific dynamic of the new European ice drilling "Beyond EPICA" which started in 2019 to extract a 1.5 million years old Antarctic ice core.

The consortium gathers complementary expertise in instrumentation (for field conditions in extreme conditions or in the laboratory for the precise analysis of small ice samples), statistic tools as well as glaciological and climatic modeling. It compromises 10 academic beneficiaries and 10 partner organisations (academic & non-academic).

The ESRs will carry out their individual research projects with a focus on an analytical or modeling subject in a strong interdisciplinary and intersectoral environment keeping in mind the importance of a combined data-model approach and with an active participation in science mediation in the field of climate change.

Through its research program, DEEPICE project will thus develop the needed tools of the analysis of the Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice which extraction will be finished in 2025 and will prepare a new generation of scientists for the interpretation of these unique records.

All knowledge types are encouraged so that your research is easily accessible by others.

  • Peer-reviewed articles
  • Datasets (when not published on other specific repositories)
  • PhD Thesis
  • Reports
  • Slides
  • Videos
  • Graphics
  • Posters
  • Source Codes

Project acronym: DEEPICE

Project title: research and training network on understanding Deep icE corE Proxies to Infer past antarctiC climatE dynamics

Duration: 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2024


Grant agreement number: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°955750.