DANUBIUS-RI - International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems

DANUBIUS-RI - International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems

 The International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems DANUBIUS-RI is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure supporting interdisciplinary research on River-Sea Systems.

DANUBIUS-RI aims to fill the gap of fragmented research on European research on river-sea systems, drawing on existing research excellence across Europe, enhancing the impact of European Research while maximising the return on investment. It provides access to a range of European river-sea systems, facilities and expertise; a 'one-stop shop' for knowledge exchange in managing river-sea systems; access to harmonised data; and a platform for interdisciplinary research, inspiration, education and training.

DANUBIUS-RI offers a source-to-sea perspective to resolve problems arising from human impacts on River-Sea-Systems.


  • State-of-the-art and fit-for-purpose facilities of river to coastal sea observation systems;
  • Development and implementation of interoperable and harmonised methods, tools and models, to achieve comparability across the freshwater-seawater continuum;
  • Data portal to integrate existing data and knowledge across sectors and disciplines, supplemented by new data and syntheses;
  • Smart observation and analytical technologies developed jointly with SMEs;
  • Test beds for nature-based management and restoration solutions;
  • Education and training programmes for scientists;
  • Engagement with public authorities and policy makers through assessment, evaluation and measures to improve the environmental status of River-Sea Systems;
  • Outreach to, and education for, the interested wider public.

In 2013, DANUBIUS-RI was designated as a Flagship Project of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and in 2016 it was included on the roadmap of ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures)DANUBIUS-RI has applied for designation as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium).

Our Vision for Success in 2030

  • A fully-funded operational environmental research infrastructure, which attracts top scientists worldwide;
  • State-of-the-art services and data facilitate collaboration between stakeholders in research, industry, policy and third sector organisations;
  • To contribute to new understandings, effective interventions and policy instruments that ensure the sustainable functioning of River-Sea-Systems and ecosystem service provision;

The first generation of young scientists trained by DANUBIUS-RI are internationally recognised specialists in their field;

The River-Sea System approach is established as new paradigm for sustainable management of River-Sea Systems.

For more information on DANUBIUS-RI projects:
