The Soil Science & Archaeo-Geophysics Alliance (SAGA): going beyond prospection

The Soil Science & Archaeo-Geophysics Alliance (SAGA): going beyond prospection

  1. If an uploaded document has an existing DOI, it will be kept. If there is no DOI, a Zenodo DOI will be assigned for the item.

  2. Items with Open Access remain Open Access.

  3. If uploading a Working Group (WG) deliverable (D), New Deliverable (ND) or Task (T) product please name your file: WG#_D/ND/T#_Title (e.g. WG1_ND1_Short statement of SAGAs relevance).

  4. In your description please add the following: GENERAL DESCRIPTION & RELATED MAIN DELIVERABLE (if the document is part of a series of tasks planned to achieve the deliverable).

  5. To upload publications, please contact