CODECHECK tackles one of the main challenges of computational research by supporting codecheckers with a workflow, guidelines and tools to evaluate computer programs underlying scientific papers. The independent time-stamped runs conducted by codecheckers will award a "certificate of executable computation" and increase availability, discovery and reproducibility of crucial artefacts for computational sciences. See the CODECHECK paper for a full description of problems, solutions, and goals and take a look at the GitHub organisation for examples of codechecks and the CODECHECK infrastructure and tools.

CODECHECK is based on five principles which are described in detail in the project description and the paper.

  1. Codecheckers record but don't investigate or fix.
  2. Communication between humans is key.
  3. Credit is given to codecheckers.
  4. Workflows must be auditable.
  5. Open by default and transitional by disposition.

If you want to get involved as a codechecker in the community, or if you want to apply the CODECHECK principles in your journal or conference, please take a look at the Get Involved page.


Mozilla Science Mini Grant "CODE CHECK: A web service for independent reproduction of computations underlying biomedical research"
Mozilla Foundation
CODECHECKing goes NL - strengthening open science through reproducible publications in the Netherlands (CHECK-NL)
Dutch Research Council