(Holloway) Chew, Kean Ho's Personal Repository

(Holloway) Chew, Kean Ho's Personal Repository


Hi! Welcome to my individual / personal ventured research repository. Here you'll find my publicly available research publications under my own terms and ventures aligning to my personal growth as a person.


What to Expect

  1. I'm primarily from software industry (core) and agricultural industry. Hence, most of my researches are strongly oriented towards that direction.
  2. Due to the fact that I'm not under "Publish or Perish" pressure like I was in the university, you can expect most of the papers published here are some bona-fide knowledge that I'm seeking for the betterment of life.
  3. That does not means the university's way of maintaining data integrity (e.g. validate dataset, legit referencing, etc) are compromised in any way.
  4. One sole and big difference would be the lack of peer-review since I don't engage in "pay to publish" practices especially when it comes to K-Economy. Although rare, depending on the weight of the paper (should I believe it's too critical), I do engage another researcher to validate the content via ease of readability direction. They're often credited as co-authors.


What Not to Expect

  1. Papers or knowledge that are legally ambiguous or proprietary (e.g. company sponsored researches OR publisher's locked research papers). Those assets are secured for (i) maintaining the legal sanity (e.g. copyright origins); and (ii) it's owned by my sponsors.
  2. AI generated contents.
  3. Life-threatening or sensitive contents (treated as confidential + hazardous data).



In the virtual world, you can find me often in my GitHub group: https://github.com/ChewKeanHo. Feel free to contact me over there.
