ARAIS Review Policy
Submission Requirements:
- Manuscripts/papers must be submitted in English.
- Submission should include author(s) name, affiliation (please specify the role or position held within the organization), ORCID or Web of Science Researcher ID (if available).
- Full text and any other pertinent scientific materials related to the research areas delineated in the community description must be provided.
Ethical Standards:
- Authors submitting to the ARAIS community must ensure their manuscripts adhere to the highest ethical standards and meet recognized industry benchmarks.
- ARAIS adheres to the guidelines set forth by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) on defining the roles of authors and contributors. More Info
- Authorship should be conferred only to individuals who have substantially contributed to the conceptualization, design, research, analysis, or interpretation of the presented material or study.
- ARAIS advocates for transparency regarding individual author contributions. Authors are encouraged to provide a CRediT author statement detailing their roles. More Info
- Each author should have trust in the integrity of their co-authors' contributions.