Data record of laboratory, portable field, mast-borne and airborne spectro(radio)meter measurements.
Data record description:
Hannula, H.-R., Heinilä, K., Böttcher, K., Mattila, O.-P., Salminen, M., and Pulliainen, J.: Laboratory, field, mast-borne and airborne spectral reflectance measurements of boreal landscape during spring, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,, in review, 2019.
Studies utilizing the data record:
Heinilä, K., Salminen M., Pulliainen J., Cohen J., Metsämäki S., and Pellikka P.: The effect of boreal forest canopy to reflectance of snow covered terrain based on airborne imaging spectrometer observations, Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs., 27, 31–41, 2014.
Niemi, K., Metsämäki S., Pulliainen J., Suokanerva H., Böttcher K., Leppäranta M., and Pellikka P.: The behaviour of mast-borne spectra in a snow-covered boreal forest, Remote Sens. Environ., 124, 551–563, 2012.
Pulliainen, J., Salminen, M., Heinilä, K., Cohen J., and Hannula H.-R.: Semi-empirical modelling of the scene reflectance of snow-covered boreal forest, Remote Sens. Environ., 155, 303–311, 2014.
Salminen, M., Pulliainen, J., Metsämäki, S., Kontu, A., and Suokanerva, H.: The behaviour of snow and snow-free surface reflectance in boreal forests: Implications to the performance of snow covered area monitoring, Remote Sens. Environ., 113(5), 907–918, 2009.