Biostrap is a clinically validated health wearable that collects health data, including basics such as sleep, recovery, performance, and more in-depth data through PPG, cloud-based technology, and artificial intelligence data. This repository contains only open access scientific, peer-reviewed studies in which the Biostrap wearable was involved.

Publishing open access on the Biostrap community repository

All articles published by Biostrap are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.

Benefits of open access

Publishing open access offers several benefits, including greater reach and readership for your work:

Cited more

1.6x more citations of OA articles than non-OA articles across all subjects

Downloaded more

4x more downloads of OA articles than non-OA articles

Greater impact

2.5x more Altmetric attention. OA articles attracted 1.9x more news mentions and 1.2x more policy mentions

Open access also enables compliance with many major funder policies internationally. 

Creative Commons licenses

Open access articles on the Biostrap community repository are published under Creative Commons licenses. These provide an industry-standard framework to support the easy re-use of open access material. Under Creative Commons licenses, authors retain the copyright of their articles.

Biostrap articles are published open access under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license). The CC BY license is the most open license available and is considered the industry 'gold standard' for open access; many funders also prefer it. This license allows readers to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and alter, transform, or build upon the material, including commercial use, providing the original author is credited.

In instances where authors are not allowed to retain copyright to their own article (where the author is a US Government employee, for example), authors should contact us at before submitting their article to advise as to whether their non-standard copyright request can be accommodated.

Authors are advised to check their funder's requirements before selecting open access to ensure compliance.