2022 ISMB Bio-Ontologies Community of Special Interest

2022 ISMB Bio-Ontologies Community of Special Interest

Official Website: https://www.bio-ontologies.org.uk/ismb-annual-meeting/2022-meeting


About Bio-Ontologies COSI Community: Bio-Ontologies was in its 25th year at the 2022 International Society of Molecular Biology (ISMB) which was held as a hybrid conference between July 10-14, 2022. Bio-ontologies strives to provide a vibrant environment for reporting novel methods and sharing experiences on the construction and application of ontologies in health care and the life sciences.

The Bio-Ontologies Community of Special Interest (COSI) offers a constructive environment to nurture discussion of innovative and scientifically sound work that ranges from preliminary to completed, from both young and experienced investigators alike. Bio-Ontologies participants also benefit from a strongly interdisciplinary setting, where ISMB attendees intermingle with members of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) and the W3C’s Healthcare and Life Sciences Community Group (HCLSCG), thereby increasing impact through broader dissemination and enabling new and exceptional collaborations.


Community Goal: This community was created to store submissions from the 2021 meeting and provide DOIs for all accepted submissions. Please explore the great material presented during th2 2022 meeting!


Contact: If you have any questions please feel free to send us an email (bioontologies@gmail.com), direct message us on Slack (bioontologies.slack.com), or post a message on Twitter (@bioontologies) or our LinkedIn Group (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13998260/).

2021 ISMB Bio-Ontologies COSI Submissions


Official Website: https://www.bio-ontologies.org.uk/ismb-annual-meeting/2022-meeting


About Bio-Ontologies COSI Community  

Bio-Ontologies was in its 25th year at the 2022 International Society of Molecular Biology (ISMB) which was held as a hybrid conference between July 10-14, 2022. Bio-ontologies strives to provide a vibrant environment for reporting novel methods and sharing experiences on the construction and application of ontologies in health care and the life sciences.

The Bio-Ontologies Community of Special Interest (COSI) offers a constructive environment to nurture discussion of innovative and scientifically sound work that ranges from preliminary to completed, from both young and experienced investigators alike. Bio-Ontologies participants also benefit from a strongly interdisciplinary setting, where ISMB attendees intermingle with members of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) and the W3C’s Healthcare and Life Sciences Community Group (HCLSCG), thereby increasing impact through broader dissemination and enabling new and exceptional collaborations.


Submission Information

We invited the submission of 1-page poster abstracts, and 2-4 page short papers for oral presentation. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Ontologies to support COVID-19 research

  • Ontologies in annotation and metadata standards

  • Machine learning and ontologies

  • Text mining and ontologies

  • Ontology evolution, quality, and evaluation

  • Ontologies, knowledge representation, and reasoning



If you have any questions please feel free to send us an email (bioontologies@gmail.com), direct message us on Slack (bioontologies.slack.com), or post a message on Twitter (@bioontologies) or our LinkedIn Group (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13998260/).