BARWAGE investigates the potential of collective bargaining as a tool for ensuring adequate minimum wages in the European Union. It explores the size of four wage-setting arenas across EU member states: the national or peak level, sector level collective wage bargaining, firm level collective wage bargaining, and individual wage-setting. BARWAGE applies quantitative and qualitative methods. Studies into wage provisions in collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), the project focuses on 9 EU countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands and Portugal. The consortium includes four partners: Utrecht University (coordinator), WageIndicator Foundation, Central European Labour Studies Institute, and Fondazione Giuseppe di Vittorio. ETUI in Brussels and the Dutch AWVN act as associate partners. The project lasts 2 years (2022-‘24) and includes 6 work packages. More information can be found on the project's web page: