AI4PublicPolicy Project: Automated, Transparent Citizen-Centric Public Policy Making based on Trusted Artificial Intelligence

AI4PublicPolicy Project: Automated, Transparent Citizen-Centric Public Policy Making based on Trusted Artificial Intelligence

This is a scientific community in the artificial intelligence and public policy domain, lead by the AI4PublicPolicy project. AI4PublicPolicy is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and is a joint effort of policy makers and Cloud/AI experts to unveil AI’s potential for automated, transparent and citizen-centric development of public policies.
AI4PublicPolicy is delivering, validating, demonstrating and promoting a novel Open Cloud platform (i.e. AI4PublicPolicy platform) for automated, scalable, transparent and citizen-centric policy management based on unique AI technologies.

Read more about the project here: 

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004480