The Australian Earth System Simulator (ACCESS-NRI) is Australia’s National Research infrastructure for Earth System computer modelling, enabled by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
ACCESS-NRI provides open access and user support to world-class simulations of past and future climate, weather and Earth systems, specifically designed for the Southern Hemisphere. The Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS) is a computer Earth system modelling framework hosted at the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI). ACCESS is comprised of individual component models – such as such as the ocean, the atmosphere, the cryosphere and the land surface and chemical and biological inputs. Each of these components can be run in isolation, or they can be joined together to create coupled model configurations. These configurations can then be used for scientific research, weather prediction and future and past climate projections. We offer research software engineering expertise, user training and ACCESS Community support for all ACCESS-NRI supported model source code, configurations, tools and documentation.