- If an uploaded document and/or dataset has an existing DOI, it will be kept. A Zenodo DOI will be attributed to documents and/or datasets without existing DOI.
- Items with Open Access remain Open Access.
- Items must not contain any copyright restrictions.
- All files should be able to be opened without any passcode restrictions.
- No Personal Health Information or sensitive data can be included.
- All information needs to be in English.
- Datasets will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) or a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0).
- Datasets should include descriptive names for columns and rows.
- A README file must be provided together with the dataset including at least the following information:
- Title: it should be descriptive of the dataset
- Author(s): name, institutional affiliation, email address and/or ORCID
- Abstract: short description of the dataset
- Methods: any methodological information (i.e. analyser, compoundsā¦), including calibration and traceability information, which may help others to understand how the dataset was generated.
- Funding information (e.g. in the case of datasets generated in the framework of the project MetClimVOC, this information will include the terms "EMPIR", "European Union (EU)" and "Horizon 2020" as required in article 29.2 of the EMPIR Grant Agreement)
- Related works: e.g. publication DOI, other datasets, codeā¦
The community curator will use the information included in the readme file to generate the metadata of the dataset. The metadata will be human and machine-readable (e.g. JSON).
To upload datasets and publications, please contact maitane.iturrate@metas.ch or celine.pascale@metas.ch