Published January 22, 2013 | Version v1
Report Open

An Update on African Elephant Loxodonta Africana in the Chinko/Mbari Drainage Basin, Central African Republic

  • 1. Social Ecology Research Group, Vienna
  • 2. Institute of Ecologyand Evolution, University of Bern


In this contribution to the elephant database we present data that we collected in the Central African Republic (CAR) in 2012. We detected tracks and dung of African Elephant when walking more than 500 km of standardised line transects, and captured photographs in a camera trapping study, originally tailored to estimate abundance of leopard by spatially explicit capture/recapture. 


For more details on Chinko see


An Update on African Elephant Loxodonta Africana in the ChinkoMbari Drainage Basin, Central African Republic.pdf