Published August 31, 2017 | Version v1
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Figure 1 from: Renner SS (2017) A valid name for the Xishuangbanna gourd, a cucumber with carotene-rich fruits. PhytoKeys 85: 87-94.

  • 1. Systematic Botany and Mycology, Munich, Germany


Figure 1 - Cucumber populations. a The core collection of 115 lines re-sequenced by Qi et al. (2013). Colour codes indicate geographic groups b Fruit morphology of the four groups. The cucumber line CG1601 (East Asian) bears fruits with dense, white spines and an elongated stalk. Fruits of cucumber line CG5278 (Eurasian) lack spines and have a short fruit stalk. Cucumber line CG9164 (Xishuangbanna) bears melon-like fruits with a low fruit shape index (length/width) and a unique orange endocarp. Cucumber line CG0002 (Indian) bears small, oval fruits with sparse, black spines. Note that the images differ in scale. Reproduced from Qi et al. including Renner (2013).



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