Published August 17, 2017 | Version v1
Dataset Open

On the use of envelope following responses to estimate peripheral level compression in the auditory system

  • 1. Technical University of Denmark


Dataset containing the envelope following responses (EFR) recordings related to the manuscript "Can envelope following responses be used to estimate level compression in the auditory system?".

Files content and structure:


  • 1_data__efr_nh.csv:                 EFR recordings from the normal-hearing (NH) listeners
  • 2_data__efr_hi.csv:                  EFR recordings from the hearing-impaired (HI) listeners
  • 3_data__efr_nh_repeat.csv:     Repeated EFR recordings from the NH listeners

The files regarding the EFR recordings contain:

  • subject:                     Listener id
  • lvl_vect:                    Stimulation level
  • efr_magn_xxxx_hz:  EFR magnitude (dB re to 1 µV) for each of the simultaneously recorded frequencies (0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz).
  • efr_bkg_xxxx_hz:     Magnitude (dB re to 1 µV) of an estimate of the background noise floor of the recording for each frequency. 
  • ftest_xxxx_hz:          Ftest (0 or 1) value for each frequency.


Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) were also recorded in the same listeners although the data was not included in the final manuscript. Details of the methodology used can be given on request.


  • 4_data__dpoae_nh.csv:            DPOAE recordings from the NH listeners.

The files regarding the DPOAE recordings contain:

  • subject:                           Listener id
  • lvl_vect:                          Stimulation level
  • dpoae_magn_xxxx_hz:  DPOAE magnitude (dB SPL) for each of the simultaneously recorded frequencies (0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz).
  • dpoae_bkg_xxxx_hz:     Magnitude (dB SPL) of an estimate of the background noise floor of the recording for each frequency. 
  • signif_xxxx_hz:              Satisfaction of the significance criterion (0 or 1) for each frequency.



Funding: Oticon Centre of Excellence for Hearing and Speech Sciences (CHeSS) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).



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