Published October 12, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Mock data sets for Lyman-alpha forest surveys


  • 1. IRFU


We present a set of publicly available codes to generate mock Lyman-α (\lya) forest data sets. The codes are based on 
the Fluctuating Gunn-Petterson Approximation  (FGPA) applied to
Gaussian random fields and on the use of fast Fourier transforms (FFT). The output includes spectra of \lya\ transmitted-flux-fraction, F, a quasar catalog, and a catalog of high-column-density systems. Additional codes are then required to generate 
realistic unabsorbed quasar spectra and to add absorption by high-column-density systems  and metals and instrumental effects. 
Redshift space distortions (RSD) are implemented by including the  large-scale velocity-gradient field in the FGPA
resulting in a  the correlation function of F that can be accurately predicted.  
One hundred realizations have been produced over the 14,000 deg2 DESI survey footprint with 100 quasars per deg2, and they are currently being used for the eBOSS and DESI surveys.
The analysis of these realizations shows that the correlation of F follows the prediction within the accuracy of eBOSS survey.
The most time-consuming part of the production occurs before application of the FGPA.
We  therefore save pre-FGPA forests which allows us to easily produce new mock sets with modified redshift-dependent bias parameters and instrumental effects.


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