Published April 11, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Study of intraocular pressure among individuals working on computer screens for long hours

  • 1. Deccan College of Medical Sciences
  • 2. Fatima Institute of Medical Sciences


In today’s world computers are ubiquitous and found in different forms which can effect intraocular pressure (IOP). Present study was undertaken to find out effect of day-to-day exposure to computer screen on IOP in normal individuals. 70 individuals (who met the screening conditions and devoid of obvious ocular pathology and systemic diseases) had their IOP’s checked before and 4 hour after computer session on same day, all working in general day shift, involving reading English printed material. The results showed significant (p<0.005) increase with IOP values before exposure being 17.89±3.25 and 16.99±2.84 and after exposure being 19.67±3.4 and 18.70±2.4 in left and right eye respectively. Increase in IOP was noted in 70% and 67% individuals in left and right eye. Differences in IOP of right and left eye may be due to dominance of eye or direction of script from left to right.


Original Research Article


Study of intraocular pressure among individuals working on computer screens for long hours1.pdf