Investigating Consumer's Perceived Value in B2C Model of Electronic Commerce: A Research Framework and an Empirical Case Study
- 1. Department of Business Management, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
- 2. Department of Management, Alborz College, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
This study builds upon previous research on the value propositions of electronic commerce for the consumer and proposes a research framework for investigating consumer's perceived value in the B2C model of electronic commerce. The proposed research model encompasses five main dimensions of consumers' value proposition: Economic (3 components), Functional (7 components), Emotional (6 components), Social-Symbolic (5 components), and Technical (11 components). The paper also presents an application of the model to an empirical case study of consumers' perceived value of online shopping in Iran. Required data was collected via a survey from customers of digikala, the biggest e-commerce firm of Iran. Structural equation modeling and path analysis were used to test the proposed research model. Findings show that the five dimensions are positively related to consumers' value proposition and the proposed research model is fitted to explain the research purpose and hypotheses.415
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