Published May 11, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Direct reprogramming of somatic cells into induced hepatocytes: Cracking the Enigma code

  • 1. Department of In Vitro Toxicology and Dermato- Cosmetology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, B- 1090 Brussels, Belgium
  • 2. 1Department of In Vitro Toxicology and Dermato- Cosmetology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, B- 1090 Brussels, Belgium
  • 3. Liver Cell Biology Research Group, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, B-1090 Brussels, Belgium


There is an unmet need for functional primary human hepatocytes to support the pharmaceutical and (bio)medical demand. The unique discovery, a decade ago, that somatic cells can be drawn out of their apparent biological lockdown to reacquire a pluripotent state has revealed a completely new avenue of possibilities for generating surrogate human hepatocytes. Since then, the number of papers reporting the direct conversion of somatic cells into induced hepatocytes (iHeps) has burgeoned. A hepatic cell fate can be established via the ectopic expression of native liver-enriched transcription factors in somatic cells, thereby bypassing the need for an intermediate (pluripotent) stem cell state. That said, understanding and eventually controlling the processes that give rise to functional iHeps remains challenging. In this review, we provide an overview of the state-of-the-art reprogramming cocktails and techniques, as well as their corresponding conversion efficiencies. Special attention is paid to the role of liver-enriched transcription factors as hepatogenic reprogramming tools and small molecules as facilitators of hepatic transdifferentiation. To conclude, we formulate recommendations to optimise, standardise and enrich the in vitro production of iHeps to reach clinical standards, and propose minimal criteria for their characterisation.


Direct reprogramming of somatic cells into induced hepatocytes cracking the Enigma code.pdf