Published October 9, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Providing Tools for the Analysis of Solar Energetic Particles as Jupyter Notebooks – Experiences from the SERPENTINE Project

  • 1. University of Turku
  • 2. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  • 3. University of Helsinki
  • 4. Imperial College London


The EU's Horizon 2020 project Solar EneRgetic ParticlE aNalysis plaTform for the INner hEliosphere (SERPENTINE) aims at answering several outstanding questions about the origin of Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events. To help achieve this, it provides a platform for the analysis and visualization of high-level datasets to benefit the wider heliophysics community. Multiple open source Python tools have already been developed, using available Python libraries when possible. These tools are aimed at scientific users without much Python programming experience. Because of that, they are mostly provided as descriptive Jupyter Notebooks that can be run locally, or online on the project's own JupyterHub server without needing any installation. Some selected tools are provided as even easier usable Streamlit apps that don't need any coding on the user's side and run completely in the cloud. One already widely-used example is the Solar MAgnetic Connection HAUS tool (Solar-MACH) that derives (using sunpy) and visualizes the spatial configuration and solar magnetic connection of different observers (i.e., spacecraft or planets) in the heliosphere at different times. Other tools aim at analyzing timeseries observations of the heliospheric spacecraft fleet, including obtaining, loading and visualizing data sets of recent missions like Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter. In this presentation, we will briefly show some of the available tools, how to access them, and what experiences we obtained during the project, especially on providing Python tools to scientific users that are inexperienced in programming (in Python or in general).



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European Commission
SERPENTINE – Solar EneRgetic ParticlE aNalysis plaTform for the INner hEliosphere 101004159