Published October 5, 2023 | Version 2.0
Software Restricted

The non-linear climate chemistry-response model AirClim 2.0 used for estimating CO2 and non-CO2 climate effects

  • 1. DLR, Institute of Atmospheric Physics


AirClim is a non-linear climate-chemistry response model to simulate the climate effect resulting from aircraft emissions (V2.0). AirClim combines air traffic emissions with pre-calculated atmospheric impact data. For the pre-calculated data, climate–chemistry simulations are performed, with normalised emissions in idealised emission regions. For receiving the response surfaces for NOx emissions on the O3 and CH4 concentration, and for the impact of H2O emissions, the complex chemistry-climate model E39C/A was used. For the response surfaces of contrail induced cloudiness simulations with the ECHAM4-CCMod model (Burkhardt and were analysed. The climate effect of CO2 is independent of the emission location due to its long lifetime. Therefore, a green function is used for the climate impact of CO2. AirClim calculates the temporal development of concentration change, radiative forcing (RF) and near surface temperature change of the individual effects accounting for their different lifetime and dependency on the emission location.



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European Commission
ACACIA – Advancing the Science for Aviation and ClimAte 875036