Published October 5, 2023 | Version 1.0
Dataset Restricted

EMAC/MESSy v2.54.0 model (EMAC) aviation emission inventories as calculated by AirTraf 2.0

  • 1. DLR, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
  • 2. TU Delft, NL


The data provided is a ASCII file which contains an aviation emission inventories for one year of a traffic sample over Europe (85 flights) as calculated by AirTraf submodel within the global modelling system EMAC. The submodel AirTraf enabling aircraft trajectory planning is implemented in the chemistry-climate model EMAC with the coupling to the submodel AirTraf. EMAC is a numerical chemistry and climate simulation system that includes submodels describing tropospheric and middle atmosphere processes and their interaction with oceans, land, and influences coming from anthropogenic emissions. It comprises the second version of the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy2) to link multi-institutional computer codes, in which the core atmospheric model is the fifth generation European Center Hamburg general circulation model (ECHAM5). We use a horizontal resolution of T42, with 31 hybrid vertical pressure levels up to 10 hPa (~30 km, T42L31ECMWF) and a time step of 20 minutes, with meteorology nudged to ERA5 reanalysis data as boundary conditions. AirTraf allows to calculate aircraft trajectories for given city-pairs with respect to dedicated routing strategies, considering meteorological conditions calculated by ECHAM5 online. Associated with these identified aircraft trajectories, the climate effect from aviation emissions along these trajectories is calculated from the submodel ACCF version 1.0 of EMAC. ACCF employs the aCCFs, that provide spatially and temporally resolved information on the climate effects of aviation emissions to quantify CO2 and non-CO2 effects. Specifically, they allow identifying regions of the atmosphere where aviation emissions induce a strong climate effect, e.g. via the formation of warming contrails or the production of radiatively active species like ozone. Thus, using these aCCFs, the estimated climate effect of aviation emissions and their spatial and temporal variability is available for the model domain: Subsequently, this is provided to AirTraf in order to enable not only estimating climate effects for calculated aircraft trajectories, but also planning of climate-optimized flight trajectories. The combination of EMAC/AirTraf/ACCF is applied here to simulate flight trajectories as great circle routes between city pairs (equal to AirClim), considering the variability of synoptic weather patterns in a continuous representation of the global atmosphere, and to quantitatively assess total climate effect and overall performance of flights.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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European Commission
FlyATM4E – Flying Air Traffic Management for the benefit of environment and climate 891317