Published March 26, 2024 | Version 02
Journal article Restricted

Modern planktonic Foraminifera: migrating is not enough


Data and R code for "Modern planktonic Foraminifera: migrating is not enough" by Sonia Chaabane, Thibault de Garidel-Thoron, Julie Meilland, Olivier Sulpis, Thomas B. Chalk, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, P. Graham Mortyn, Xavier Giraud, Hélène Howa, Nicolas Casajus, Azumi Kuroyanagi, Gregory Beaugrand, Ralf Schiebel

The provided scripts are for generating specific figures and analyses presented in the paper "Modern planktonic Foraminifera: migrating is not enough". These scripts examine the temporal and spatial variations, diversity shifts, and abundances of planktonic Foraminifera across the global oceans. 

Scripts written by Sonia Chaabane


* FORCIS database: 

* ForCenS database:

Codes to harmonize the abnudance data were sourced from


1. Figure_1A_Diversity_Changes_Global_Map_Analysis: Creates a global map overlay showcasing planktonic Foraminifera species diversity.

2. Figure_1B_Diversity_Changes: Compares pre-industrial and modern-day planktonic Foraminifera latitudinal diversity gradient.

3. Figure_2A_B_Vertical_Distribution_Analysis: Investigates depth preferences of planktonic Foraminifera and their changes over time.

4. Figure_3_Temporal_Variations_Planktonic_Foraminifera: Generates heat maps to visualize temporal variations in planktonic Foraminifera abundance across specified latitudinal bands.

5. Extended_Data_Figure_1_Time_Series_Visualization_FORCIS: Visualizes the geographical distribution of FORCIS data through the decades.

6. Extended_Data_Figure_2_Abundance_Analysis: Examines latitudinal variations in planktonic Foraminifera abundances in specific oceans.

7. Extended_Data_Figure_3_Diversity_Comparison_Global_Map: Maps species diversity disparities between the FORCIS and ForCenS databases.

8. Extended_Data_Figure_4_Geographic_Distribution_Species: Illustrates global distribution patterns of specific planktonic Foraminifera species.

9. Extended_Data_Figure_5_Temperature_Variation_Analysis: Analyzes the influence of temperature on planktonic Foraminifera abudances over distinct time frames.

10. Extended_Data_Figure_6_Abundance_Low_Latitude: Explores abundance variations of planktonic Foraminifera in low-latitude regions under different temperature regimes.

11. Extended_Data_Figure_7_Spatial_Latitudinal_Displacement: Analyses latitudinal migrations of planktonic Foraminifera species in specific oceans.

12. Extended_Data_Figure_8_Abundance_Latitudinal_Bands: Evaluates species abundance across different latitudinal bands.



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