Monthly aggregated GLASS FAPAR V6 (250 m): 50th percentile monthly time-series (2001)
List of Subdatasets:
- Long-term data: 2000-2021
- 5th percentile (p05) monthly time-series: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
- 50th percentile (p50) monthly time-series: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
- 95th percentile (p95) monthly time-series: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
General Description
The monthly aggregated Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) dataset is derived from 250m 8d GLASS V6 FAPAR. The data set is derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) reflectance and LAI data using several other FAPAR products (MODIS Collection 6, GLASS FAPAR V5, and PROBA-V1 FAPAR) to generate a bidirectional long-short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) model to estimate FAPAR. The dataset time spans from March 2000 to December 2021 and provides data that covers the entire globe. The dataset can be used in many applications like land degradation modeling, land productivity mapping, and land potential mapping. The dataset includes:
- Long-term:
Derived from monthly time-series. This dataset provides linear trend model for the p95 variable: (1) slope beta mean (p95.beta_m), p-value for beta (p95.beta_pv), intercept alpha mean (p95.alpha_m), p-value for alpha (p95.alpha_pv), and coefficient of determination R2 (p95.r2_m).
- Monthly time-series:
Monthly aggregation with three standard statistics: (1) 5th percentile (p05), median (p50), and 95th percentile (p95). For each month, we aggregate all composites within that month plus one composite each before and after, ending up with 5 to 6 composites for a single month depending on the number of images within that month.
Data Details
- Time period: March 2000 – December 2021
- Type of data: Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR)
- How the data was collected or derived: Derived from 250m 8 d GLASS V6 FAPAR using Python running in a local HPC. The time-series analysis were computed using the Scikit-map Python package.
- Statistical methods used: for the long-term, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) of p95 monthly variable; for the monthly time-series, percentiles 05, 50, and 95.
- Limitations or exclusions in the data: The dataset does not include data for Antarctica.
- Coordinate reference system: EPSG:4326
- Bounding box (Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax): (-180.00000, -62.0008094, 179.9999424, 87.37000)
- Spatial resolution: 1/480 d.d. = 0.00208333 (250m)
- Image size: 172,800 x 71,698
- File format: Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG) format.
If you discover a bug, artifact, or inconsistency, or if you have a question please raise a GitHub issue:
Hackländer, J., Parente, L., Ho, Y.-F., Hengl, T., Simoes, R., Consoli, D., Şahin, M., Tian, X., Herold, M., Jung, M., Duveiller, G., Weynants, M., Wheeler, I., (2023?) "Land potential assessment and trend-analysis using 2000–2021 FAPAR monthly time-series at 250 m spatial resolution", submitted to PeerJ, preprint available at:
Name convention
To ensure consistency and ease of use across and within the projects, we follow the standard Open-Earth-Monitor file-naming convention. The convention works with 10 fields that describes important properties of the data. In this way users can search files, prepare data analysis etc, without needing to open files. The fields are:
- generic variable name: fapar = Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation
- variable procedure combination: essd.lstm = Earth System Science Data with bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi–LSTM)
- Position in the probability distribution / variable type: p05/p50/p95 = 5th/50th/95th percentile
- Spatial support: 250m
- Depth reference: s = surface
- Time reference begin time: 20000301 = 2000-03-01
- Time reference end time: 20211231 = 2022-12-31
- Bounding box: go = global (without Antarctica)
- EPSG code: epsg.4326 = EPSG:4326
- Version code: v20230628 = 2023-06-28 (creation date)
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Additional details
- Collected
2000-03-01/2021-12-31Processed period.