- 1. Universidade de Brasília
The present study aims to critically analyze the current conservation of buildings with important values for society, which, despite not being legally listed in the cultural historical heritage category, have an important significance for the local community that enjoys the space. From this, it is understood how Brasilia’s urban development has been related to the conservation and maintenance of its representative buildings, bringing as a study case the University’s Central Library. Based on this, studies, and forms of conservation of these built legacies were addressed, emphasizing the application of the method Cultural Significance Index of Buildings (CSI) at the library to understand how the analyzes and verification of data related to the conservation of buildings should be. By completing the CSI table, it was possible to identify the quantitative and qualitative valuation, reaching the classification of cultural importance of the analyzed building. Thus, this theme must be deepened to maintain the identity and values of these social heritage, registered or not, preserved for future generations.
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- CAVALCANTE, Neusa Cavalcante et al. Ceplan: 50 anos em 5 tempos: O Tempo da Consolidação. In: CEPLAN: 50 anos em 5 tempos. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. cap. Biblioteca Central.
- CURY, Isabelle (org). Cartas Patrimoniais. Rio de Janeiro: IPHAN, 2000
- GUIMARÃES, L. R. N. (2021). Avaliação de bens patrimoniais via modelos acoplados de depreciação e significância cultural: O caso do CEF Metropolitana, Núcleo Bandeirante - Df. Dissertação - Universidade de Brasília, 2021.
- OLIVEIRA Ibere, João PANTOJA, Leonardo INOJOSA. Modelos para análise quantitativa da Degradação do Ambiente Construído: Biblioteca Central da UnB. 2022. 13p. Artigo Científico (XVIII Congresso Internacional sobre Patologia e Reabilitação das Construções) - Universidade de Brasília, 2022.
- SILVA, Lenildo Santos; ZANONI, Vanda Alice Garcia; PAZOS, Valmor Cerqueira; SANTOS, Lara Monalisa Alves dos; JUCÁ, Tatiana Renata Pereira. Fotogrametria com imagens adquiridas com drones: do plano de vôo ao modelo 3D. 1. ed. Brasília: LaSUS FAU - Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2022. v. 1. 75p. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 26 agosto 2023.
- INOJOSA, Leonardo da Silveira Pirillo. O Sistema Estrutural na Obra de Oscar Niemeyer. Dissertação de Mestrado FAU UNB. Brasília, 2010.