Published October 4, 2023 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

E-RIHS IP D5.5 E-RIHS ERIC Access Policy: Approach and Advancement

  • 1. C2RMF
  • 2. Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine
  • 1. AGLAE+
  • 2. CY Cergy Paris Université
  • 3. National Research Council
  • 4. Hellenic Open University
  • 5. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torún
  • 6. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica
  • 7. C2RMF


This report focuses on the working strategy that is being set to update the access policy for E-RIHS. To ensure a comprehensive document, we believe it is crucial to build upon the foundation established during the preparatory phase of E-RIHS PP. This existing document encompasses years of reflection and practical experience, gained through previous European Integrating Activities such as IPERION CH (H2020) and CHARISMA (FP7) and IPERION HS (Horizon Europe). Furthermore, it has undergone review by the E-RIHS platform coordinators. 

The User Strategy aims to be forward-looking, taking into account both current and potential future users. This ongoing work is treated in parallel tasks that will feed into the developments of this task. It will outline the necessary processes for gathering information to assess the needs of existing and prospective users. Additionally, the strategy will highlight the ways in which this information can be utilized within E-RIHS decision-making processes. The development of the strategy will closely align with parallel tasks related to users in other E-RIHS IP work packages. 

By leveraging the existing foundation and incorporating insights from various stakeholders, the updated access policy will address the evolving needs of users and ensure effective decision-making within the E-RIHS framework. 


D5.5_ERIHS IP_E-RIHS ERIC Access policy_Approach and Advancement.pdf

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European Commission
E-RIHS IP – European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase 101079148