Published October 3, 2023 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

GE Discovery TOF MI PET NEMA IQ projector benchmark listmode data

  • 1. KU Leuven


## LIST0000.BLF

listmode file from GE Discvoery MI PET/CT containing all acquired emission events (HDF5)
of a single bed position NEMA IQ phantom acq.

## corrections.h5

file containing all quantitative corrections estimate using GE's duetto tool box (HDF5)

- correction_lists/sens -> sensivity value for acquired events
- correction_lists/atten -> attenuation value for acquired events
- correction_lists/contam -> additive contaminations (randoms + scatter) for all acquired events
- all_xtals/atten -> attenuation values for all possible crystal combinations
- all_xtals/sens -> sensitivity values for all possible crystal combinations
- all_xtals/xtal_ids -> all possible crystal combinations



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Preprint: 10.48550/arXiv.2212.12519 (DOI)