Published August 8, 2017 | Version v1
Dataset Open

PHENICX-Anechoic: note annotations for Aalto anechoic orchestral database

  • 1. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona


PHENICX-Anechoic: denoised recordings and note annotations for Aalto anechoic orchestral database






This dataset includes audio and annotations useful for tasks as score-informed source separation, score following, multi-pitch estimation, transcription or instrument detection, in the context of symphonic music.


This dataset was presented and used in the evaluation of:


M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016))"


On this web page we do not provide the original audio files, which can be found at the web page hosted by Aalto University. However, with their permission we distribute the denoised versions for some of the anechoic orchestral recordings:


Pätynen, J., Pulkki, V., and Lokki, T., "Anechoic recording system for symphony orchestra," Acta Acustica united with Acustica, vol. 94, nr. 6, pp. 856-865, November/December 2008.


For the intellectual rights and the distribution policy of the audio recordings in this dataset contact Aalto University, Jukka Pätynen and Tapio Lokki. For more information about the original anechoic recordings we refer to the web page and the associated publication [2]


We provide the associated musical note onset and offset annotations, and the Roomsim[3] configuration files used to generate the multi-microphone recordings [1].


The anechoic dataset in [2] consists of four passages of symphonic music from the Classical and Romantic periods. This work presented a set of anechoic recordings for each of the instruments, which were then synchronized between them so that they could later be combined to a mix of the orchestra. In order to keep the evaluation setup consistent between the four pieces, we selected the following instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass, oboe, flute, clarinet, horn, trumpet and bassoon.


We created a ground truth score, by hand annotating the notes played by the instruments. The annotation process involved gathering the original scores in MIDI format, performing an initial automatic audio-to-score alignment, then manually aligning each instrument track separately with the guidance of a monophonic pitch estimation.


During the recording process detailed in [2], the gain of the microphone amplifiers was fixed to the same value for the whole process, which reduced the dynamic range of the recordings of the quieter instruments. This lead to problems with which we had to deal, in order to reduce the noise. In the paper we described the score-informed denoising procedure we applied to each track.


A complete description of the dataset and the creation methodology, including the generation of the multi-microphone recordings, is presented in [1].



Files included

The “audio” folder contains the audio files for each instrument in a given source: sourcenumber.wav, where “source” can be either violin, viola, cello, double bass, oboe, flute, clarinet, horn, trumpet or bassoon and “number” corresponds to the each separated instrument in a given source (e.g. there are two violins in the “mozart” piece, thus you will find “violin1.wav” and “violin2.wav” in the “mozart” folder).


The “annotations” folder includes note onsets and offset annotations as MIDI and text files for the corresponding audio files in the dataset. The annotations are offered per source: source.txt and source.mid, where “source” can be either violin, viola, cello, double bass, oboe, flute, clarinet, horn, trumpet or bassoon. Additionally, for tasks as score-following, we provide MIDI which is not aligned with the audio as MIDI and text file: source_o.txt and source_o.mid. Furthermore, an additional MIDI file all.mid holds the tracks for all the sources in a single MIDI file.

The text files comprise all the notes played by a source in the following format:

Onset,Offset,Note name

We recommend using the ground truth annotations from the text file as the MIDI might have problems due to the incorrect duration for some notes.


The “Roomsim” folder contains the configuration files (“Text_setups”) and the impulse responses (“IRs”) which can be used with Roomsim[2] to generate the corresponding room configuration and the multi-microphone audio tracks used in our research.

In the “Text_setups” folder, one can find the Roomsim text setups for the microphones: C,HRN,L,R,V1,V2,VL,WW_L,WW_R,TR.

The “IRs” folder contains two subfolders: “conf1” can be used to generate the recordings for the Mozart piece, and “conf2” for the Bruckner, Beethoven, and Mahler pieces. We provide IR “.mat” files for each of the pairs (“microphone”,”source”): microphone_Ssourcenumber.mat, where “microphone” is C,HRN,L,R,V1,V2,VL,WW_L,WW_R,TR, and “sourcenumber” is the number of the sources ordered as in this list: bassoon (1), cello(2), clarinet(3), double bass(4), flute(5), horn(6), viola(7), violin(8), oboe(9), trumpet(10). Please consider that the Mozart piece does not contain oboe nor trumpet.



Conditions of Use

The annotations and the Roomsim configuration files in the PHENICX-Anechoic dataset are offered free of charge for non-commercial use only. You can not redistribute them nor modify them. Dataset by Marius Miron, Julio Carabias-Orti, Juan Jose Bosch, Emilia Gómez and Jordi Janer, Music Technology Group - Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

For the intellectual rights and the distribution policy of the audio recordings in this dataset contact Aalto University, Jukka Pätynen and Tapio Lokki. For more information about the original anechoic recordings we refer to the web page and the associated publication [2].


Please Acknowledge PHENICX-Anechoic in Academic Research

When the present dataset is used for academic research, we would highly appreciate if scientific publications of works partly based on the PHENICX-Anechoic dataset quote the following publications:


M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016)


Pätynen, J., Pulkki, V., and Lokki, T., "Anechoic recording system for symphony orchestra," Acta Acustica united with Acustica, vol. 94, nr. 6, pp. 856-865, November/December 2008.



Dataset available

Go to our download page.



Problems, positive feedback, negative feedback, help to improve the annotations... it is all welcome! Send your feedback to: AND

In case of a problem report please include as many details as possible.



[1] M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016)

[2] Pätynen, J., Pulkki, V., and Lokki, T., "Anechoic recording system for symphony orchestra," Acta Acustica united with Acustica, vol. 94, nr. 6, pp. 856-865, November/December 2008.

[2] Campbell, D., K. Palomaki, and G. Brown. "A Matlab simulation of" shoebox" room acoustics for use in research and teaching." Computing and Information Systems 9.3 (2005): 48.




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Additional details


  • M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016))"
  • Pätynen, J., Pulkki, V., and Lokki, T., "Anechoic recording system for symphony orchestra," Acta Acustica united with Acustica, vol. 94, nr. 6, pp. 856-865, November/December 2008.