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Published October 2, 2023 | Version 0.2.10
Dataset Restricted

GreenDB: A Product-by-Product Sustainability Database


The publicly available open GreenDB is a product-by-product sustainability database. It contains product attributes, e.g., namedescriptioncolor, etc. and, on the other hand, information about the products' sustainability. Moreover, the sustainability information is transparently evaluated so that it is possible to rank products depending on their sustainability.

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Further Notes

For usability, we export two datatypes:

  1. CSV
  2. Parquet (using pyarrow python package)

Be careful with the columns' data types when using the CSV files! Use for example:

from ast import literal_eval
from datetime import datetime

import pandas as pd

products = pd.read_csv("products.csv", converters={"timestamp": datetime.fromisoformat, "image_urls": literal_eval, "sustainability_labels": literal_eval}).convert_dtypes()
sustainability_labels = pd.read_csv("sustainability_labels.csv", converters={"timestamp": datetime.fromisoformat}).convert_dtypes()



Supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety based on a decision of the German Bundestag. Förderkennzeichen: 67KI2022B



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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  • Jäger, S., Greene, J., Jakob, M., Korenke, R., Santarius, T., & Biessmann, F. (2022). GreenDB: Toward a Product-by-Product Sustainability Database. ArXiv, abs/2205.02908.
  • Flick, A., Jäger, S., Garcia, J.A., Driesch, K.V., Brendel, K., & Biessmann, F. (2022). GreenDB - A Dataset and Benchmark for Extraction of Sustainability Information of Consumer Goods. ArXiv, abs/2207.10733.