Published October 2, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Relationship between Clinical Governance and Organizational Culture at Kafr El Dawar Central Hospital


Abstract: The concept and use of the term ‘clinical governance’ emerged in the late-1990s in the United Kingdom and has since become central to health policy in a range of countries. The implementation of Clinical Governance (CG) requires the establishment of a culture which encourages health professionals to improve their performance and such a culture promotes continuous learning and recognizes it as the key of success for quality improvement. Aim: Determine the relationship between clinical governance and organizational culture at Kafr El Dawar Central Hospital. Methods: A descriptive, correlational research design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: In all inpatient units at Kafr El Dawar Central Hospital which is affiliated to the Ministry of Health, for all nurses in the hospital who are responsible for providing direct patient care (N=126). Tools: two tools were used: Tool1: Clinical Governance Climate Questionnaire (CGCQ) in addition to demographic characteristics data sheet ; Tool II: The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS). Results: Studied nurses perceived moderate mean percent score for both total clinical governance and total organizational culture (OC). Also, there was a statistical significant moderate correlation was noticed between clinical governance  and organizational culture. Conclusion: there was a statistical significant moderate correlation was noticed between clinical governance and organizational culture at Kafr El-Dawar Central hospital. Recommendations: Establishment of a planned and integrated program for quality improvements, improving senior management supports as agents to make relevant changes, providing opportunities for staff to participate in all stages of quality improvement programs and creating a blame-free atmosphere for making a “learning from mistakes” culture.

Keywords: Clinical governance, Organizational culture.

Title: The Relationship between Clinical Governance and Organizational Culture at Kafr El Dawar Central Hospital

Author: Samya Mohamed Ibrahem Ahmed, Nadia Hassan Ali Awad, Neamat Mohamed Ef Sayed

International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing

ISSN 2394-7330

Vol. 10, Issue 3, September 2023 - December 2023

Page No: 73-83

Novelty Journals


Published Date: 02-October-2023


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International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing, ISSN 2394-7330, Novelty Journals, Website:


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