Published September 30, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Model referencyjny codzienności oraz jej filozoficzny kontekst

  • 1. Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta


The reference model of everyday life and its philosophical context

In The Philosophical Context of Everyday, Łukasz Bartkowicz proposes an analysis of the concept of everyday as a point on the meta-coordinate system. This analysis focuses on referring to the triaxial model, consisting of space, time and culture, where everyday is derived as a point composed of three coordinates with respect to the axis of the system. Reality in this interpretation is visualized as a meta coordinate system of three coordinates: X, Y, Z, where the point of everydayness is P (X,Y,Z). The author proposes to call such a system – the reference model. Adopting such an interpretation creates a meta tool for cultural studies and sociology, allowing us to better visualize and understand the change of everyday life, and even correlations related to the decisions of individuals. Methodologically, while defining the axes for time and space remains relatively straightforward, attempting to define culture appears to be an extremely complicated task. For this reason, the author assumes the state of culture as a dynamic mathematical axis, thanks to which it is possible to take a new look at both the human being and what everyday life can be. Thus, the question of the ethicality of human decisions in an ordered and structured way will result from his coordinate system, i.e. the system in which he finds himself at a given moment, both in space and time, but also in culture. The practical dimension of such a solution consists in the possibility of investigating the change that takes place with respect to a given point P, both in the area of change of a point from P to P` (e.g. with respect to a single axis), as well as questions about the philosophical character of a given point P. The space for further research remains the determination of the ontological status of point P on such a reference model, as well as an attempt to analyze the status for a segment connecting two points on the system.


Łukasz Bartkowicz, Model referencyjny codzienności.pdf

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