Stenus LATREILLE 1797
Key to the non-spotted Stenus of Taiwan
1 Tarsal segment 4 simple......................................................................................................2
- Tarsal segment 4 bilobed...................................................................................................14
2 Abdominal margination broader, paratergites of tergite 4 at least as broad as antennal segment 2............................................................................................................................3
- Abdominal margination very narrow, distinct paratergites missing or paratergites of tergite 4 less broad than antennal segment 2.....................................................................11
3 Segment 1 of metatarsi much longer than segment 5..........................................................7
- Segment 1 of metatarsi about as long as segment 5 or shorter............................................4
4 Tergites without small basal carinae...................................................................................5
- First tergites with 4 small basal carinae..............................................................................6
5 Abdomen coarsely and densely punctate, medial eye margins concave.: A (fig. 12, PUTHZ 2012a).: S (fig. 16, l. c.). 2.0- 2.7mm (FB 1.3-1.4mm). China (Taiwan: Taoyuan-Taipei Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien, Taitung Hsien). Japan ........ S. riukiuensis PUTHZ
- Abdomen finely and densely punctate, medial eye margins straight.: A (figs 33, 34, PUTHZ 2012a).: no sclerotized S. 2.6-3.8mm (FB 1.5-1.9mm). China (Guizhou, Guangdong, Taiwan: Taoyan Hsien, Hainan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Shanxi). Vietnam. Laos ............................................................................................. S. eurous PUTHZ
6 Tergite 9 with long apicolateral spines, sternite 9 with strong and straight apicolateral teeth.: A (fig. 4, PUTHZ 2006).: S (fig. 3, l. c.). 2.9-4.0mm (FB 1.8-1.9mm). Taiwan: Ilan Hsien .............................................................................. S. immigratus PUTHZ
- Tergite 9 with short apicolateral spines, sternite 9 with short, slightly inward bent apicolateral teeth.: A (fig. 128j, PUTHZ 2011b).: No sclerotized S. 2.8-3.8mm (FB 1.6-2.1mm). Holarctis. Taiwan: Taipei Hsien, Taoyuan Hsien, Ilan Hsien, Taichung Hsien, Hualien Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Chiai Hsien, Taitung Hsien ....................................... .................................................................................... S. melanarius melanarius STEPHENS
7 Anterior tergites without basal carinae................................................................................8
- Anterior tergite with basal carinae....................................................................................12
8 Head broader, as broad or nearly as broad as elytra (HW: EW>0.90)...............................9
- Head much narrower than elytra (HW: EW <0.90)...........................................................10
9 Frons deeply concave with deep longitudinal furrows, elevated median portion narrow. Sternum 9 serrate apically without a distinct acute tooth laterally.: A (fig. 15, PUTHZ 2008). 3.5-4.3mm. China (Taiwan: Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien). Japan ............................. .............................................................................................................. S. alienoides PUTHZ
- Frons moderately concave, longitudinal furrows shallower or indistinct, no distinctly delimited and elevated median portion. Sternum 9 with a distinct prominent tooth apicolaterally.: A (fig. 39, PUTHZ 2008). 4.6-6.2mm. Taiwan: Taipei Hsien, Ilan Hsien, Taichung Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien, Pingtung Hsien ..................................................................................................... S. yanoianus PUTHZ
10 Larger: 5.6-6.0mm.: A (fig. 32, PUTHZ 2008). Taiwan: Hualien Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Taitung Hsien ............................................................................. S. sauterianus BERNHAUER
- Smaller: 3.0-4.0mm.: A (fig. 41, PUTHZ 2008). China (Taiwan: Taoyuan Hsien, Ilan Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Hubei, Shaanxi................................................ S. plumbivestis PUTHZ
11 Smaller species, with long and erect abdominal pubescence.: A (fig. 14, PUTHZ 2009).: S unknown. 3.0- 3.8mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............... S. cirrimicans PUTHZ
- Larger species, abdominal pubescence recumbent.: A (fig. 37, PUTHZ 2008).: no sclerotized S. 4.2-5.1mm. Taiwan: Taipei Hsien ................................... S. insulanus PUTHZ
12 Elytra subquadrate, abdominal punctation very coarse anteriorly, punctures of tergite 3 about as large as apical cross section of antennal segment 2............................................13
- Elytra trapeziform, abdominal punctation less coarse, punctures of tergite 3 about as large as medial cross section of antennal segment 3.: A (fig. 1, PUTHZ 2006). Taiwan: Chiayi Hsien ............................................................................ S. pseudolus PUTHZ
13 Elytra less broad (EW: EL ≤1.05).: A: Parameres shorter than median lobe. 4.5- 5.3mm. China (Sichuan, Hongkong, Fujian, Taiwan: Taipei Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Tainan Hsien). Vietnam ................................................................ S. formosanus L. BENICK
- Elytra broader (EW: EL ≥1.10).: A (fig. 1, PUTHZ 1974), parameres longer than median lobe. 4.0-5.0mm. China (Sichuan, Fujian, Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien, Hubei, Shanxi, Beijing). Japan. Korea, Russia (Far East)...................................... S. distans SHARP
14 Abdomen unmargined.......................................................................................................15
- Abdomen margined...........................................................................................................28
15 Smaller species, FB ≤2.0mm.............................................................................................16
- Larger species, FB>2.0mm..............................................................................................19
16 Brachypterous...................................................................................................................17
- Macropterous....................................................................................................................18
17: A (fig. 17).: S (fig. 50). 2.5-2.7mm (FB 1.2mm). Taiwan: Ilan Hsien ........................ ............................................................................................................ S. perpusillus nov.sp.
-: A (fig. 26).: S (fig. 51). 2.4-2.9mm (FB 1.3-1.4mm). Taiwan: Hualien Hsien ............. ...................................................................................................... S. perpropinquus nov.sp.
18 Sternum 9 serrate apically.................................................................................................19
- Sternum 9 acute apicolaterally..........................................................................................20
19 Tergite 10 with acute apicolateral teeth, between them emarginate (fig. 7, PUTHZ 1968),: A (fig. 9, l. c.). China (Sichuan, Hongkong, Hainan, Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien). Japan .......................................................................................... S. dissimilis SHARP
- Tergite 10 without apicolateral teeth.................................................................................20
20 Sternum 9 serrate at apical margin. 3.3-4.3mm (FB 1.8-2.0mm). China (Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien). Laos. Philippines. Indonesia (Lombok) ................. S. spurius L. BENICK
- Sternum 9 with acute apicolateral teeth............................................................................21
21: Sternite 8 (fig. 2). 2.8-3.7mm (FB 1.7-1.9mm). China (Yunnan, Guangdong, Hongkong, Fujian, Taiwan: Hsinchu Hsien, Ilan Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Hunan, Anhui). Japan. Laos. Myanmar. Thailand. Vietnam. India. Bangla Desh. Sri Lanka. Nepal. Indonesia ...................................................................... S. piliferus piliferus MOTSCHULSKY
-: Sternite 8 (fig. 1). 2.5-3.5mm (FB 1.4-1.7mm). China (Yunnan, Hongkong, Fujian, Taiwan: Chiayi Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien, Shanghai.) Vietnam. Japan. Sarawak ....... ................................................................................................................. S. hirtellus SHARP
22 Sternum 9 acute apicolaterally..........................................................................................23
- Sternum 9 serrate apically.................................................................................................24
23 Apical portion of meso- and metatibae infuscate. Interstices on tergite 7 brilliant. A: E (fig. 1F, NAOMI 1990). 4.7-5.7mm (FB 2.4-2.7mm). Palaearctis. Taiwan: Taipei Hsien, Ilan Hsien, Nantou Hsien ......................................................... S. cicindeloides (SCHALLER)
- Legs completely yellowish-brown. Interstices on tergite 7 reticulate. A: E (figs 13-15, PUTHZ 1985). 4.0- 4.7mm (FB 2.2-2.3mm). China (Fujian. Taiwan: Ilan Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Hualien Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien). Vietnam. Thailand. Myanmar. Japan. Indonesia (Bali)........................................................................................... S. currax SHARP
24 Tergite 7 with fine reticulation. Pronotum with special characters...................................25
- Tergite 7 without reticulation. Pronotum simple...............................................................26
25 Pronotum with a strong bifid hump.: A (about as in fig. 1C, NAOMI 1990). 3.8- 4.5mm (FB 2.3mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Tainan Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien .................................................................................................. S. bidenticollis PUTHZ
- Pronotum without a median hump but with a moderately deep constriction on each side of the median line.: A (fig. 7, PUTHZ 1984). 4.0-5.0mm (FB 2.3mm). Taiwan: Chiayi Hsien ............................................................................................. S. compressicollis PUTHZ
26 Median portion of frons slightly elevated and impunctate.: Sternite 9 triangularly pointed (fig. 43, PUTHZ 1991). A (fig. 44, l. c.). China (Sichuan, Taiwan: Ilan Hsien, Miaoli Hsien, Taichung Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien) (aberrant specimens of) ............................................................................... S. changi PUTHZ
- Median portion of frons completely flat and densely punctate.: Sternite 9 not triangularly pointed ...........................................................................................................27
27 Abdominal punctation less dense, interstices on tergite 5 as large or larger than half diameter of punctures.: Sternite 8 (fig. 13). A (fig. 15). 4.2-5.0mm (FB 2.3-2.5mm). Taiwan: Taipei Hsien, Hualien Hsien .................................................... S. ascendor nov.sp.
- Abdominal punctation denser, interstices on tergite 5 distinctly smaller than half diameter of punctures.: Sternite 8 (fig.14). A (fig. 16). 4.0- 4.5mm (FB 2.1-2.3mm). Japan.? Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien ............................................................ S. hanami PUTHZ
28 Segment 1 of metatarsi shorter or at most as long as segment 5.......................................29
- Segment 1 of metatarsi distinctly longer than segment 5..................................................30
29 Larger: 3.5-4.6mm (FB 1.9-2.0mm). Legs blackish. Anterior tergites with a mediobasal projection.: A (fig. 20, PUTHZ 2006). Taiwan: Ilan Hsien......................... S. exter PUTHZ
- Less large: 2.5-3.5mm (FB 1.5-1.8mm). Legs yellowish. Anterior tergites simple basally.: A (fig. 2, PUTHZ 1973a). China (Sichuan, Taiwan: Taoyuan Hsien, Ilan Hsien, Heilongkiang). Russia: Siberia, Far East) ................................... S. depressus PUTHZ
30 Large species: 5.3-7.7mm .................................................................................................31
- Smaller species: <5.0mm..................................................................................................36
31 ....................................................................................................................................32
- ....................................................................................................................................34
32 Metafemora in posterior half compressed laterally...........................................................30
- Metafemora simple. A (fig. 12, PUTHZ 2009). 5.5.- 7.7mm. China (Sichuan, Taiwan: Taichung Hsien, Taichung Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien) ....................... S. rugatipennis PUTHZ
33 Head about as broad as elytra. A (fig. 5, PUTHZ l. c.). 5.3-7.0mm. Taiwan: Taoyuan Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Hualien Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Taichung Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien ..... .......................................................................................................... S. rugulipennis PUTHZ
- Head distinctly narrower than elytra. A (fig. 4, PUTHZ l. c.). 5.6-6.6mm. China Taiwan: Ilan Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Hualien Hsien, Chiayi Hsien............. S. rugosipennis CAMERON
34 Tergite 10 triangular apically (fig. 45, PUTHZ l. c.). S (fig. 57, l. c.)..................................... .................................................................................................... S. rugosipennis CAMERON
- Tergiite 10 rounded apically (fig. 22, PUTHZ l. c.)............................................................32
35 Abdominal punctation very coarse and dense (fig. 47, PUTHZ l. c.). S (figs 66, 67, l.c.). Taiwan ............................................................................................... S. rugatipennis PUTHZ
- Abdominal punctation less coarse and dense (fig. 46, PUTHZ l. c.). S (figs 62, 65, l..c.). Taiwan ............................................................................................... S. rugulipennis PUTHZ
36 Abdominal pubescence long (and erect), setae distinctly longer than antennal segment 2 cirrus -group pp. (PUTHZ 2009).......................................................................................37
- Abdominal pubescence shorter (and recumbent), setae at most as long as antennal segment 2..........................................................................................................................50
37 Abdominal segments 3-6 brilliant, without miscrosculpture.............................................38
- Abdominal segments 3-6 moderately shiny, with distinct microsculpture........................45
38 Larger species, FB ≥ 1.6mm ..............................................................................................39
- Smaller species, FB ≤ 1.6mm .............................................................................................40
39 Head about as broad as elytra. Tergite 7 with faint reticulation.: unknown.: S (fig. 21, Puthz 2009). 3.2-4.0mm (FB 1.8mm). Taiwan: Ilan Hsien ...... S. cirrativestitus PUTHZ
- Head distinctly broader than elytra, tergite 7 brilliant.: A (fig. 8, l. c.).: Unknown. 3.1-3.8mm (FB 1.6mm). Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien ......................... S. cirratitogatus PUTHZ
40 Abdominal punctation denser, interstices on tergite 5 at most 1.5x as large as diameter of punctures.: A (fig. 3, l. c.).: S (fig. 17, l..c.). 2.6-3.4mm (FB 1.4-1.5mm). Taiwan: Taichung Hsien ........................................................................ S. cirrivestis PUTHZ
- Abdominal punctation sparser, interstices on tergite 5 2x or more as large as diameter of punctures.......................................................................................................................41
41 Âbdominal tergite 3 coarsely punctate, tergite 4 and the following tergites abruptly much finder and sparser punctate. 4 very similar species.................................................42
- Abdominal tergite 3 coarsely punctate, punctation of tergite 4 less coarse, but not abruptly much finer.: A (fig. 5, l..c.).: Unknown). Taiwan: Hsinchu Hsien ................ ........................................................................................................ S. cirripraestans PUTHZ
42 Smaller: 2.2-2.9mm ...........................................................................................................44
- Larger: 2.7-3.4mm (FB 1.3-1.6mm)..................................................................................43
43: A (fig. 1, l. c.).: S (fig. 16, l. c.). 2.7-3.4mm (FB 1.3-1.6mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ......................................................................................................... S. cirratus PUTHZ
-: A (fig. 27).: S (fig. y). 2.7-3.2mm (FB 1.3-1.5mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............... ....................................................................................................... S. cirriostentans nov.sp.
44: A (fig. 4, l. c.).: S (fig. 18, l. c.). 2.5-2.9mm (FB 1.3-1.4mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ......................................................................................................... S. cirriger PUTHZ
-: A (fig. 9, l. c.).: Unknown. 2.2-2.8mm (FB 1.3mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien .............. ........................................................................................................... S. cirrivestitus PUTHZ
45 Smaller: 2.3-2.8mm (FB 1.2-1.3mm).: Sternite 9 (fig. 7, l. c.). A (fig. 6, l. c.).: S (fig. 20, l. c.). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............................................... S. cirrimirificus PUTHZ
- Larger:> 2.6mm.: Sternite 9 acute apicolaterally (fig. 2, l. c.)......................................46
46 Head about as broad as elytra.: Unknown.: S (fig. 24, l. c.). 3.4-3.9mm (FB 1.8- 1.9mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ........................................................................................47
47 Elytra about as long as broad............................................................................................48
- Elytra longer than broad....................................................................................................49
48: A (fig. 15, l. c.).: Unknown. 3.0- 3.8mm (FB 1.7mm). Taiwan: Ilan Hsien ................. ......................................................................................................... S. cirritunicatus PUTHZ
-: A (fig. 11, l. c.).: S (fig. 22, l. c.). 2.8-3.7mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Taiwan: Pingtung Hsien ............................................................................................. S. cirratitunicatus PUTHZ
49: A (fig. 12, l. c.).: S (fig. 23, l. c.). 2.8-3.7mm (FB 1.4-1.5mm). Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien, Pingtung Hsien, Chiayi Hsien ................................ S. cirritogatus PUTHZ
-: A (fig. 10, l. c.).: S (fig. 19, l. c.). 2.6-3.4mm (FB 1.3-1.4mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ................................................................................................... S. cirrimicans PUTHZ
50 Sternum 9 serrate apicolaterally (figs 22, 23, PUTHZ 2003), apicolateral denticles may be slightly distinct.............................................................................................................51
- Sternum 9 with 1 acute tooth apicolaterally (fig. 11)........................................................55
51 Smaller, FB ≤ 1.5mm, head about as broad as elytra.........................................................52
- Larger, FB ≥ 1.6mm, head much narrower than elytra......................................................54
52 Elytra subquadrate, tergite 7 with a narrow membranous fringe apically. ♂: Unknown.: Sternite 8 (fig. 78), S (fig. 81). [2.3-] 2.8mm (FB 1.4mm). Taiwan: Kaohsien Hsien ...... ........................................................................................................... S. kuanmontis nov.sp.
- Elytra trapeziform, tergite 7 without a membranous fringe apically..........................53
53 Very densely and deeply reticulate, nearly dull, elytral punctation slightly coalescent, paratergites declining ventrad. ♂: Expulsion hooks of median lobe (fig. 79).: Unknown. 2.3-2.7mm (FB 1.35mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ........ S. houhanmontis nov.sp. - Body with faint reticulation, slightly shiny, elytral punctation distinctly delimited, paratergites horizontal. ♂: Unknown.: Sternite 8 (fig. 80), S (fig. 82). 2.6-3.0mm (FB 1.4-1.5mm). Taiwan: Taichung Hsien....................................... S. hseuhmontis nov.sp.
54 Larger: 2.5-4.2mm (FB 1.6-2.1mm).: A (fig. 20, 21, PUTHZ 2003).: S (fig. 23, l.c.). China (Sichuan, Guizhou, Fujian, Taiwan: Taichung Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien, Shaanxi). Russia (Far East). Korea. Japan ........ S. rugipennis SHARP
- Less large: 2.6-3.7mm (FB 1.6-1.8mm).: E (fig. 18, 19, PUTHZ 2003).: S (fig. 22, l. c.). Taiwan: Taichung Hsien, Nantou Hsien, Hualien Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien ................................................................................. S. suspectatus PUTHZ
55 Larger. FB ≥2.0mm..........................................................................................................56
- Smaller, FB <2.0mm........................................................................................................57
56 Head broader than elytra, elytra trapeziform, punctzation mostly distinctly delimited; abdomen with distinct paratergites..: A (fig. 23).: S (fig. 49). 3.8-4.7mm. Taiwan: Chiayi Hsien, Tainan Hsien ................................................................. S. mysterialis PUTHZ
- Head narrower than elytra, elytra subquadrate, punctation confluent (fig. 76); abdomen threadlike margined, without distinctly delimited paratergites (fig. 77).: A (fig. 8, PUTHZ 1984).: Unknown. 3.5-4.0mm. Taiwan: Tainan Hsien .................. S. nefas PUTHZ
57 Abdominal margination very narrow, thread-like, sometimes nearly disappearing (look at segment 5). Some very similar species which should be identified by examining the genitalia.............................................................................................................................58
- Abdominal margination broader, with delimited paratergites (look at segment 5)...........70
58 Apicolateral tooth of sternite 9 curved ventrad. Very coarsely punctured species, diameter of punctures of frons as large as largest cross section of antennal segment 2.: Metasternum with a sharp and narrow median carina (fig. 48).: No sclerotized S. 3.3-3.7mm (FB 1.5-1.8mm). Myanmar. India. Thailand, Laos. China (Yunnan, Taiwan: Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Kohsiung Hsien; Fujian. Malaysia. Indonesia. Philippines ............................................................................................ S. pilicornis FAUVEL
- Apicolateral tooth of sternite 9 not curved ventrad. Less coarsely punctate species, diameter of punctures of frons distinctly smaller than largest cross section of antennal segment 2.: Metasternum without a median carina.: S sclerotized...........................59
59 Males.................................................................................................................................60
- Females.............................................................................................................................65
60 Sternite 8 at posterior margin broadly and shallowly emarginate (e. g. fig. 8).................61
- Sternite 8 at posterior margin narrowly and moderately deeply emarginate (e. g. fig 3).........62
61: A (fig. 28). 2.6-2.9mm (FB 1.4-1.5mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien, Kaohsiung Hsien)................................................................................. S. perpauper nov.sp.
-: A (about as in fig. 28). 2.5-2.8mm (FB 1.4mm). Taiwan: Chiayi Hsien ......................... .................................................................................................... S. perpauperculus nov.sp.
62: A (fig. 22). 2.5-3.1mm (FB 1.4-1.5mm). Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien, Pingtung Hsien)..................................................................................... S. perpastus nov.sp.
-: A otherwise..................................................................................................................63
63 Median lobe nearly as long as parameres (fig. 24). 3.0- 3.5mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien ................................................................. S. pervenustus nov.sp.
- Median lobe distinctly less long than parameres...............................................................64
64: A (fig. 25). 2.8-3.3mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien, Pingtung Hsien)................................................................................................. S. persculptus nov.sp.
-:A (fig. 29). 2.8-3.3mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Taiwan: Pingtung Hsien ................................... .................................................................................................... S. persculpturatus nov.sp.
65 Infundibulum short and broad (figs 56, 57)........................................................................... ................................................................ S. persculptus nov.sp., S. persculpturatus nov.sp.
- Infundibulum longer than broad........................................................................................66
66 Infundibulum more than twice as long as broad................................................................67
- Infundibulum about twice as long as broad.......................................................................68
67 S (fig. 54) .............................................................................................. S. perpastus nov.sp.
- S (fig. 42) .................................................................................... S. perpauperculus nov.sp.
68 Infundibulum with a distinct distal funnel. (fig. 55)........................... S. pervenustus nov.sp.
- Infundibulum without a distinct distal funnel (fig. 53)......................... S. perpauper nov.sp.
69 Elytra ± even, without very distinct impressions (note: this character may be variable in single specimens)..........................................................................................................70
- Elytra very uneven, with deep impressions.......................................................................76
70 Median portion of frons exceeding the level of medial eye margins.................................71
- Median portion of frons not exceeding the level of medial eye margins...........................74
71 Smaller, FB 1.3-1.4mm .....................................................................................................72
- Larger, FB 1.4-1.5mm .......................................................................................................73
72: A (fig. 31).: S (fig. 58). 2.4-3.0mm. Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ........... S. pervilis nov.sp.
-: A (fig. 30).: S (fig. 60). 2.6-3.1mm. Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ........... S. persubtilis nov.sp.
73: A (figs 18, 19).: S (fig. 59). 2.5-3.1mm. Taiwan: Taichung Hsien, Nantou Hsien ..... ................................................................................................................. S. sugayai nov.sp.
-: A (figs 34-36).: S (fig. 61). 2.5-3.3mm. Taiwan: Nantou Hsien, Pingtung Hsien ....... ........................................................................................................... S. perplicatus nov.sp.
74 Larger, FB 1.4-1.6mm.: A (fig. 7).: S (fig. 62). 2.5-3.2mm. Taiwan: Taitung Hsien .................................................................................................. S. perturbator nov.sp.
- Smaller, FB 1.3-1.5mm .....................................................................................................75
75 Head broader (HW: EW>110).: A (fig. 37).: S (fig. 63). 2.3-3.0mm. Taiwan: Ilan Hsien ................................................................................................... S. persimplex nov.sp.
- Head less broad (HW: EW <110).: A (fig. 39).: S (fig. 64). 2.5-3.1mm. Taiwan: Taoyuan Hsien, Taipei Hsien................................................................. S. perrarus nov.sp.
76 Head broader (HW: EW>105).........................................................................................77
- Head less broad (HW: EW <105).: A (fig. 21).: S (fig. 65). 2.4-3.0mm (FB 1.4- 1.5mm). Taiwan: Taoyuan Hsien, Chiayi Hsien .............................. S. perspicabilis nov.sp.
77 Median portion of frons exceeding the level of medial eye margins. Smaller species......78
- Median portion of frons not exceeding the level of medial eye margins.: A (fig. 20).: S (fig. 66). 3.0- 3.7mm (FB 1.6-1.8mm). Taiwan Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien ............... ............................................................................................................ S. perpinguis nov.sp.
78 Apicolateral tooth of sternum 9 shorter and blackish (fig. 12)..........................................79
- Apicolateral tooth of sternite 9 longer and yellowish brown (fig. 11)..............................85
79: A (fig. 38).: S (fig. 67). 2.5-3.5mm (FB 1.4-1.6mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............. ............................................................................................................ S. perodiosus nov.sp.
- otherwise.......................................................................................................................80
80: A (fig. 42).: S (fig. 68). 2.8-3.2mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Taiwan: Taichung Hsien ......... ............................................................................................................ S. perpunctus nov.sp.
- otherwise.......................................................................................................................81
81: A (fig. 32).: S (fig. 69). 2.5-3.0mm (FB 1.4-1.5mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............. .............................................................................................................. S. perversor nov.sp.
- otherwise.......................................................................................................................82
82: A (fig. 40).: S (fig. 70). 2.8-3.4mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............. .......................................................................................................... S. permolestus nov.sp.
- otherwise.......................................................................................................................83
83: A (fig. 44).: S (fig. 71). 2.8-3.4mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............. ........................................................................................................... S. pertricosus nov.sp.
- otherwise.......................................................................................................................84
84: A (fig. 33).: S (fig. 72). 2.7-3.2mm (FB 1.4-1.6mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............. ......................................................................................................... S. permodestus nov.sp.
-: A (fig. 41).: S (fig. 75). 2.9-3.4mm (FB 1.5-1.6mm). Taiwan: Kaohsiung Hsien ....... .............................................................................................................. S. pertenuis nov.sp.
85 Longer, FB 1.6-1.8mm.: A (fig. 20).: S (fig. 66) .......................................................... .......................................................................................... see # 77 S. S. perpinguis nov.sp.
- Less long, FB ≤ 1.6mm .....................................................................................................86
86: A (fig. 44).: S (fig. 71)................................................ see # 83 S. pertricosus nov.sp.
- otherwise.......................................................................................................................87
87: A (fig. 45).: S (fig. 74). 2.5-3.3mm (FB 1.4-1.6mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien ............. ................................................................................................................. S. perfectus n,. sp.
- ♂ otherwise.......................................................................................................................88
88: A (fig. 43).: S (fig. 73). 2.7-3.1mm (FB 1.5mm). Taiwan: Nantou Hsien, Chiayi Hsien ...................................................................................................... S. perscitus nov.sp.
- ♂ otherwise.......................................................................................................................89
89: A (fig. 41).: S (fig. 75)....................................................see # 84 S. pertenuis nov.sp.
-: A (figs 18, 19).: S (fig. 59) ............................................... see # 73 S. sugayai nov.sp.
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- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.5337424 (DOI)
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- Family
- Staphylinidae
- Genus
- Stenus
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- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
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- genus
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- Stenus LATREILLE, 1797 sec. Puthz, 2012
- PUTHZ V. (2012 a): Revision der Stenus - Arten Chinas (2) (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Steninen CCCXV. - Philippia 15: 85 - 123.
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- PUTHZ V. (1968): On some east Palearctic Steni, particularly from Japan (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 52. Contribution to the knowledge of Steninae. - Entomological Review of Japan 20: 41 - 51.
- NAOMI S. - I. (1990): Studies on the Subfamily Steninae (Coleoptera, Oxyporidae) from Japan. XV. Subgenus Hypostenus of the Genus Stenus LATREILLE, Part 7. - Elytra, Tokyo 18: 197 - 207.
- PUTHZ V. (1985): Revision der Gruppe des Stenus (Hypostenus) bispinus MOTSCHULSKY (Col. Staphylinidae). - Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, Neue Folge 32: 75 - 100.
- PUTHZ V. (1984): Weitere Steninen von Taiwan (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 201. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen. - Reichenbachia 22: 101 - 112.
- PUTHZ V. (1991): Uber indo-australische Steninen II. (Insecta, Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 222. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen. - Reichenbachia 54: 1 - 46.
- PUTHZ V. (1973 a): Two new Stenus - species from the Far East (Col., Staphylinidae) 109 th Contribution to the Knowledge of Steninae. - Entomologist's monthly Magazine 108 (1972): 88 - 90.